Heard of JAX but not sure what the fuss is about?
Keen to learn about how JAX can be used for scientific computing and ML?
JAX is a (relatively) new python library for high-performance scientific computing and ML.
The goal of this workshop is to:
- Introduce you to JAX
- Help you solve any JAX problems you have in your own work
- Help build a community of JAX users at ETH
This workshop consists of two parts:
- Introduction to JAX (suitable for complete beginners)
- Student notebook in Collab (also provided in this repo)
- Slides
- Advanced Concepts in JAX (solving a more complex scientific problem with JAX)
- See CaseStudy folder.
- Notebook with programming exercises in Collab.
Held at ETH Zurich, 25 June 2024
Organised by Ben Moseley, Paweł Czyż