Major milestones
- Datasets catalogue: A way to explore projects and datasets stored on a Bento node
- Releasing Takuan: New service to index and search transcriptomics data
Other features
- Authorization service added to the Katsu metadata service
- Now possible to ingest any file type as experiment results into DRS
- Optional MinIO deployment now available
- Branding features for Bento instances has been improved (for example, with customizable dark and light background logos)
Major milestones
- Scope: Multiple Projects and Datasets/Cohorts are now supported in Aggregate Data exploration tools
- Beacon Network: Query multiple Bento nodes using the Beacon v2 API, and present results together
- Enabled logs monitoring in all Bento services using Grafana
Other features
- Authenticated users can get more fine-grained responses in the Aggregate Data exploration tools
- Variants search on non-human genomic data (requires a reference to be ingested in the reference service)
- DATS provenance metadata can now be ingested/downloaded as a JSON document.
- Beacon variant search by gene ID
Major milestones
- Support for cBioPortal as a service within Bento
- VCF to MAF conversion workflow
- Minimal set of clinical/biosamples data available through cBioPortal
- Authorisation service: Create grants, manage users and groups with the User Interface
Other features
- New Bento interface to explore aggregate data
- Support of data files on Object Storage
- Reference service now ingests GFF3 annotations
Major milestones
- Migration of clinical and phenotypical data model to Phenopackets v2
- New reference genomes service allowing to ingest assembly used with a dataset (e.g. for non-human datasets)
- Authorisation Service
- Limit access to administration and data ingest tools
- Uncensored counts for authenticated users
Other features
- User interface improvements for bento_public (aggregate information)
- Authentication into bento_public to run full Beacon searches
Major milestones
- Documents other than genomic files and annotations can now be ingested as experiment results
Other features
- Beacon "record"-level queries for authorised users
- Experiment results and Drop box files can now be visualised from the interface (PDF, CVS, audio/video files, etc.)
- UI improvements in public Overview and Provenance tabs
Major milestones
- Removal of Tables concept
- Data now organised by Project > Dataset > Data Type
Other features
- API endpoint to extract provenance metadata (DATS format)
- Show latest ingestion date on public site
- Ingestion errors available in workflow execution runs