A perl script to generate network weathermap images for use with Xymon and Devmon
This version is for Hobbit/Devmon
Details from previous release:
Network Weathermap version 1.1.1 (20040422)
A perl tool that displays in a visual way the utilization of the network links of your network. The required data are acquired from graphs created by the MRTG package and are displayed as two ways colored arrows on a map representing the logical topology of the network.
See INSTALL file for the installation and configuration guide.
See http://netmon.grnet.gr/weathermap/ for updates.
The Network Weathermap is developed by Panagiotis Christias p.christias@noc.ntua.gr. It may be used, modified and redistributed only under the terms of the GNU General Public License, found in the file LICENSE in this distribution, or at