- home page - background poster & movies based on trending and popularity
- details page - details, cast & videos of movie and tv shows
- search page - infinite scroll based on the search query
- explore page - filter of genres, sort_by & infinite scroll for movie and tv shows
- 404 page - page not found
- @reduxjs/toolkit
- axios
- dayjs
- react-circular-progressbar
- react-icons
- react-lazy-load-image-component
- react-player
- react-redux
- react-router-dom
- react-select
- sass
- streamy logo shows in tabsrc
- images like avatar, no-photo etc..components
- card like structure for movie, video & castcarousel
- scroll large list of movie cardform
- filter and switching tab for fetching new requesthelpers
- rearly used and used for specific purposelayout
- mostly used component like header, footer & content wrapperskeletons
- showing when the data is in loading stateui
- small and mostly re-usable components like spinner, lazy load image etc..
- pages describe same as in Routes aboveroutes
- set up custom routes using react-router-domservices
- fetching data using rtk qury modify data before set in storestore
- store global state of fetch data and managed by react reduxApp.jsx
- providing store state the whole appindex.scss
- reset css and set basic style in rootmain.jsx
- get root element and render appmixins.scss
- set up quick responsive design
- root element for single page application.gitignore
- file name that you want push into githubpackage.json
- list of all dependencies that used in project
To run project locally
- Clone repo
npm install
in root directory to install all depedncies- Set for
environment variables
- for get access of tmdb api to get result - get on tmdb site by login and get token
npm run dev
to start project