ASCII Art Image Converter for Stable Diffusion Automatic 1111 Web UI
This script allows you to convert images into ASCII art within the Stable Diffusion Web UI. It provides a user interface to adjust various parameters like ASCII width, letter spacing, font size, and font type. The script is designed to be used as an add-on script for the Stable Diffusion Web UI and can be found in the IMG2IMG section.
- Place the
script into thestable-diffusion-webui/scripts
directory of your Stable Diffusion Web UI installation.
- Open the Stable Diffusion Web UI and navigate to the IMG2IMG section.
- At the bottom of the IMG2IMG section, you'll find a dropdown for selecting scripts.
- Select "Convert to ASCII Art Image" from the dropdown to activate the script.
- Save the image from the web ui as they won't be saved in outputs img2img folder
- There will be a .txt file with seed number in the outputs/img2img-images/ascii folder - you can copy and paste the ascii from .txt file
- ASCII Width: Adjusts the width of the ASCII art. Range: 50-200.
- Letter Spacing: Adjusts the spacing between ASCII characters. Range: 0-20.
- Font Size: Adjusts the font size of the ASCII characters. Range: 8-48.
- Font Type: Allows you to select different fonts for the ASCII art. Options include "default", "Arial", "Courier New", "Times New Roman", "Comic Sans MS", and "Verdana". - these are on most windows machines already, if you don't have a certain font the default is used automatically
- Background colors: Select up to 20 different background colors
Stable Diffusion Automatic1111 Github repo
This script is open-source and free to use. For any issues or contributions, please open a GitHub issue or pull request.
you can find a standalone ascii art converter I made to run on linux, windows, docker and vscode devcontainer here bigsk1 github page for airats