This file serves to keep track of changes across versions of the app.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
1.3.15 - 2022-07-18
- Translations to Basque
- Show message when not connected to internet and tried to view attendance
- Filter attendance when fetching to ensure that there is not duplicate registries
- Improved German translations
- Report more info to Firebase Crashlytics on non-critical errors
- All app strings are translatable
- Improve double colons event title fix
- Restart Android project due to errors when compiling
1.3.7 - 2022-07-08
- Attendance registration and viewing inside a modal
- Dark mode, which can be toggled manually or manually picked from system
- Firebase Crashlytics reporting for uncaught exceptions
- Notch overlapping (added a dynamic padding to the header)
- Title positioning in ID Change page
- Styling and other changes to support iOS and dark mode
- Apply wrap for labels in settings and reduce their content length
- Bump
- Bump
1.1.2 - 2022-06-20
- Ripple effect when event is clicked in Schedule view
- Modal with event details is shown on click
- Quotation marks properly rendering in one of the events
- Toasts are now placed slightly higher so tab bar can be used while a toast is shown
1.0.2 - 2022-04-08
- Logo icons properly show up in notification buttons
1.0.0 - 2022-03-16
- Splash screen background color
- Missing translations added
- Remove detail arrows for toggle buttons in settings
- (iOS) Settings page title positioning
0.8.8-beta - 2022-03-14
- Date and time when a notification was sent does not show seconds now in the notification detail modal
- Error caused when quickly tapping a notification to open its modal
0.8.7-beta - 2022-03-05
- Firebase user properties and performance monitoring for specific code
- Small delay to splash screen hide to ensure that the app is completely rendered before the splash screen goes out
- Native splash screen is now white (instead of showing a weirdly stretched logo)
- Bumped
from 1.5.3 to 1.5.10 (See Dependabot alerts for more info)
0.8.3-beta - 2022-03-02
- Firebase Crashlytics
- App causing lock screen to show up multiple times when app is opened in some Samsung phones.
0.8.1-beta - 2022-02-17
- App update checker and installer
- Firebase Performance Monitoring
0.7.3-alpha - 2022-02-17
- Notifications tab: fetches notifications from JSON file in github and displays them in a list, opening a modal for each one when clicked that includes the full notification body and links
- About developer section buttons now properly linking
- Updated and fixed some errors in Galician translations
- Added 2s duration to toast that shows when offline news are loaded due to bad connection as previously it didn't disappear
0.6.5-alpha - 2022-02-17
- Add app icon on Android
- Complete about page with translations and message about developer
- Remove options when news take long to download, instead the app just loads the cached news without letting the user choose
- Improve sliding between dates in schedule so the vertical bar does not seem too long
0.6.1-alpha - 2022-02-06
- Google Firebase Analytics for Android app
- First basic integration of web analytics for in-app use
0.5.1-alpha - 2022-02-06
- Fetch mecenas.json from the GitHub repo (@biocienciasgrx/ceebi) and save it locally (in cache) for use offline.
0.5.0-alpha - 2022-02-05
- Push notifications: receive push notifications when the app is in background (or even in foreground)
0.4.4-alpha - 2022-02-05 [YANKED]
- Sort locales by name in alphabetical order in locale selection dropdown
- Translations: German
- Moved firebase and analytics account ownership to (In a future, you may view the external services and the use that this app makes of your data in
0.4.1-alpha - 2022-02-05
- Android app splash screen set to CEEBI's
0.4.0-alpha - 2022-02-05
- Icons to events set from the web itself
- Multiple speakers in events
- Provisional ripple effect for events
- BREAKING (Android): Changed package id to
0.3.3-alpha - 2022-02-04 [YANKED]
- Images for sponsors in about page
- Main structure of about page
- Changelog file
- Added error handling for image download without connection
- Reduced characters in notification extract from 50 to 30
- Refactor code to centralize constants
- Clean up:
- Add 2 and 3 minutes options and remove 90 and 120 minutes options to event reminders time
- Images not properly loading from cache
- Showing alt text in case images don't load