I am currently employed as a System Software Engineer at Ariake Co. Ltd [ๆ ชๅผไผ็คพARIAKE] in Kumamoto, Japan. Prior to this role, I was a Software Engineer in Bangladesh, specializing in the development of web applications and ML projects utilizing Python, JavaScript, Machine Learning and other technologies.
I'm currently exploring different Machine Learning Approaches to different domains to sharpen my skills such as: RAG, MoE, LLM finetuning and stay up-to-date with the latest technologies.
- Bangla Dictionary PyPI Module: It's a PyPI module that can serve as a dictionary with some new features.
- Online Bangla Dictionary - Created one Bangla Dictionary from scratch and currently it's on production level development and will be public soon.
- Reputation Management System: Us medical reviews analysis and predicting appropriate service for users as well as doctors and nurses. Technologies used: [Python, Django, Machine Learning].
- Word Sense Disambiguation: Detecting the appropriate and actual sense of a word in a context. Technologies used: [Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning].
- Web Scraping Cron: Scraping data from various sources and performing ETL operation via a scheduled task. Technologies used: [Python, Django, Selenium, Scrapy, PostgreSQL].
- Blog App: It's a blog app where users can post as well as update the user details with pictures. Technologies: [Python, Django, SQLite]
- Karukuthi E-commerce App: An e-commerce app where users can buy products, add to carts, place an order, and insert shipping address. Technologies: [ReactJS, NextJS, MongoDB]
- ASR for Regional Dialects
- Speech Analysis
- RAG Implementation
- IPA Transcription
- Data Analysis for different dataset available in Kaggle