GFX Api , used in Banana Splitter, is the first in-game splitter available! ( that I know ;) ) !!!!!!!!
Now, you dont need to play the game in windowed mode and have the splitter next to you, you can play in fullscreen, YES IN FULLSCREEN!!!
Banana splitter is not the regular .exe you are used to , it's a dll - and as I dont know if my target readers know about this topic, I will assume you don't - . It is a dll because it needs to live within the target process - kinda like a parasite - and then it is able to hook the drawing functions of the game and it's able to draw text!.
Dlls can't be started like a regular executable, you need to inject into the target process.
How to do this you ask? Well it is really easy in practice, use an injector that you like - eventually I will make my own injector just for BananaSplitter, but I wanted to release Banana splitter earlier so you can enjoy it now ! :) - Anyhow, like I was saying, use an injector that you like , personally I recommend Extreme Injector v3.3 by master131 , it's the one I use and I love it, it is fast , clean, small , and you dont need to select the process everytime you restart it.
As of now, Banana Splitter supports:
- DirectX 9.0
- Directx 11.0
When you inject the dll, you'll see at your left a timer set at 0 , 00:00:0 . And the Dll will create a folder at Documents, called BananaSplitter. ( My Documents \ BananaSplitter ) Inside it, there will be 2 files, (if everything went OK ) : GameTimer.txt : Here you can put the name of each checkpoint that you want to see ingame for example
First Boss
Second Boss
Gwyn ( Last Boss )
(etc. , you get the idea)
and another file:
Config.txt : There will be 3 comments, put the RGBA color in the order specified below each comment, ranging from 0-255
######Hint Color R,G,B,A ######LapColor R,G,B,A ######Current time color R,G,B,A
The controls in game are as follows:
- space : pause / start
- Numpad 0 : add split (when you get to your checkpoint press this key)
- Numpad 7 : Save ( saves the run in
Documents\BananaSplitter\Game _GameName_ _Numberofmilliseconds_ .txt
) - Numpad 4: Move timer leftways.
- Numpad 6 : Moves timer rightways.
- Numpad 8 : moves timer upways.
- Numpad 2 : moves timer down.
- Numpad 3 : Reload GameTimer.txt
Support OpenGL , DirectX 10 and earlier versions of DirectX9 , Vulkan and Mantle.
Custom loader/injector with more customizable options :)
Darksouls 1 for some reason is a special snowflake, so for DarkSouls 1 and other special snowflake games that use DirectX9 use the BananaSplitterAlternative.dll (doesnt matter wheter it is x64 , or x86 , just make sure the target process is the same architecture)
**Games that I have checked under windows 7 that work **
- Darksouls III
- Darksouls II : Scholar of the first sin
- Darksouls I : ( with the alternative Dll)
- Supremme Commander I : ( Supremme commander speedrun?? :D it works tho :D )
I really dont have any other game that I can check, so , if it doesnt work in your game PLEASE LET ME KNOW.
I dont take the responsibility of you getting banned for using this in online games, if you want to speed run in Steam remember to play in offline mode . Just remember to play in offline mode.
The most important section, yet I dont know why everybody leaves this at the end, or doesnt read it at all. Firstly , I want to say a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE thanks to Tsuda Kageyu the original autor of MinHook - The Minimalistic API Hooking Library for x64/x86 , it's what makes this program work, without it, this wouldn't even exist.
Then, StackOverflow and every user on it as they have helped a lot, a LOT. FW1FontWrapper for the amazing font api!! :D
Lastly but now in any way worse: the greatest forum and community I've ever seen, I want to thank specially evolution536 for his tutorials on x64 hooking and Direct3d11 hooking.
I almost forgot, the humongously great MSDN Documentation, holy damn, it has helped.
Thanks for taking your time to read this!