What's Changed
- bumped all dependencies to latest versions by @ashishjh-bst in #1530
- added a -from flag in clear by @ashishjh-bst in #1531
- Control Panel announcement feed will show globalname instead of username to prevent the announcement owner from getting spammed by @ashishjh-bst in #1532
- RSVP will now mention user in the embed instead of just adding their username. by @ashishjh-bst in #1533
- Reddit Feed count bug fix by @ashishjh-bst in #1534
- meta/contrib: improve contributing guidelines by @l-zeuch in #1538
- Replacing owlbot with dictionaryapi.dev, as owlbot is discontinuing service from 24th July by @ashishjh-bst in #1539
- Renamed automod v2 to Advanced Automoderator by @ashishjh-bst in #1540
- Improved formatting for the dictionary, and fixed bug for missing text phonetics. by @ashishjh-bst in #1541
- Made dictionary text more compact, and fixed ui bug for audio emoji not showing on mobile. by @ashishjh-bst in #1542
Full Changelog: v2.25.0...v2.26.0