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A future-proof responsive image component that supports latest Picture specification


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A future-proof responsive image component that supports latest <picture> specification. Uses picturefill for backward compatibility from IE9+.


npm install react-responsive-picture or yarn add react-responsive-picture


react-responsive-picture requires glamor installed as peer dependency since version 2.0.0 so you need to add it (in case you're not using it in your project) by running:

npm install glamor or yarn add glamor

How to use


import { Picture } from 'react-responsive-picture';

class App extends Component {
    render() {
        return (
                sources = {[
                        srcSet: "path-to-mobile-image.jpg, path-to-mobile-image@2x.jpg 2x",
                        media: "(max-width: 420px)",
                        srcSet: "path-to-desktop-image.jpg 1x, path-to-desktop-image@2x.jpg 2x",
                        srcSet: "path-to-desktop-image.webp",
                        type: "image/webp"


Prop Type Default Definition
sources array The array of source objects. Check Sources section for more information.
src string (transparent pixel) Source for standalone/fallback image. To prevent issues in some browsers, by default src is set to a 1x1 transparent pixel data image.
sizes string Sizes attribute to be used with src for determing best image for user's viewport.
alt string Alternative text for image
className string Any additional CSS classes you might want to use to style the image
css object || array || string Any additional styles you might want to send to the wrapper. Uses glamorous to process it so you can send an object, an array or even glamor generated string classes.

Note: Before version 2.0.0 the style prop was parsed by glamor so it wasn't having the same behaviour as applying the style prop to any other React component. For that reason, the recommended prop to override the styles is now css, which will be parsed by glamorous and applied to the component. The style prop will be treated as inline styles so it still works, but you can't have the nice features from glamor like hover states or media queries so be very careful about using it.


Simple image

Normal <img> like behaviour. The same image is displayed on every device/viewport.

<Picture src="path-to-image.jpg" />

will render:

<img srcset="path-to-image.jpg" />

Image with different resolutions

Different images for specific devices (usually retina).

<Picture src="path-to-image@2x.png 2x, path-to-image.png 1x" />

will render:

<img srcset="path-to-image@2x.png 2x, path-to-image.png 1x" />

Image with sizes

When you want to let the browser determine the best image for user's current viewport. More information about size attribute on this great blog post.

    src="large.jpg 1024w, medium.jpg 640w, small.jpg 320w"
    sizes="(min-width: 36em) 33.3vw, 100vw"

will render:

<img srcset="large.jpg 1024w, medium.jpg 640w, small.jpg 320w" sizes="(min-width: 36em) 33.3vw, 100vw" />

Image with art direction

When you want to explicitly control which image is displayed at specific viewport sizes.

    sources = {[
            srcSet: "path-to-mobile-image.jpg, path-to-mobile-image@2x.jpg 2x",
            media: "(max-width: 420px)",
            srcSet: "path-to-desktop-image.jpg 1x, path-to-desktop-image@2x.jpg 2x",
            srcSet: "path-to-desktop-image.webp",
            type: "image/webp"

will render:

    <source srcset="path-to-mobile-image.jpg, path-to-mobile-image@2x.jpg 2x" media="(max-width: 420px)">
    <source srcset="path-to-desktop-image.jpg 1x, path-to-desktop-image@2x.jpg 2x">
    <source srcset="path-to-desktop-image.webp" type="image/webp">
    <img srcset="" />

The sources prop is where you can determine the behaviour of the <Picture> component and which images will show for the specific screens.

For each source you can send an object containing srcSet, media and type although the last two are optional.


There's also a <FullsizePicture> component that you can use to display full-size images using the same benefits of <Picture> for art direction.

<div style={{ height: 200 }}>
        sources = {[
                srcSet: "path-to-mobile-image.jpg, path-to-mobile-image@2x.jpg 2x",
                media: "(max-width: 420px)",
                srcSet: "path-to-desktop-image.jpg 1x, path-to-desktop-image@2x.jpg 2x",

It will automatically fill the entire parent element maintaining the original image ratio. Please note that the parent element needs to have a defined height as you would expect for any background image as well.

FullsizePicture accepts the same props as Picture plus a few more for styling.

Prop Type Default Definition
pictureClassName string Any additional CSS classes you might want to use to style the inner Picture component
pictureCSS object || array || string Any additional styles you might want to send to the inner Picture component


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A future-proof responsive image component that supports latest Picture specification



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