This script will help you build out AGDLP managed groups and users in a freshly deployed Active Directory. Quick way to get users populated, assigned to groups and even have their images added to the thumbnailPhoto attribute!
Brian Baldock -
- Active Directory PowerShell Module
- You can run this from a domain joined workstation with the AD Powershell module installed or the domain controller itself
- Mandatory Parameter
- (What do you wanbt the root level of the OU structure for the domain going to look like?)
- Example:
- ABC Company
- Users
- Groups
- Computers
- ABC Company
- Example:
- Mandatory Parameter
- (This is the publicly routable domain name that you will be using for email addresses for your users and distribution groups.)
- Optional Parameter
- (Create AD Users and Groups and export the user password list to a CSV file, otherwise will print passwords to console.)
- Optional Parameter
- (Provide a path to create the shared folder architecture and ACLs based on users and groups.)
Create AD Users and Groups and display the passwords generated for each user in the console
.\New-LabConfiguration.ps1 -CompanyName "Contoso Inc" -CompanyDomain ""
Create AD Users and Groups and export the password list to a CSV file
.\New-LabConfiguration.ps1 -CompanyName "Contoso Inc" -CompanyDomain "" -ExportCSV
Create personal and common shared folder structure and ACLs at specific path and export passwords as CSV
.\New-LabConfiguration.ps1 -CompanyName "Contoso Inc" -CompanyDomain "" -SharePath "C:\Shares" -ExportCSV