I'm Siddharth Mishra. I absolutely love creating things. I've been writing code since I was in grade 2, slowly moving from LOGO -> HTML -> Java -> Python -> C++ -> C (finally!), while exploring other languages like Rust, Haskell, OCaml, etc... I love the idea of functional programming as well. By the time you're reading this, maybe I have some notes on lambda calculus on my blog brightprogrammer.in.
I currently support myself by taking contract works, providing consultancy, both by legal agreements, and by word of mouth (depending on whether I know you or not). I'm open to any technical discussion on my discord server.
I like low level programming, have done some reverse engineering, pwning, graphics programming, web development, desktop app development, and what not? I'd call myself Jack of all trades, and in pursuit of being Master of all! I've written grammar based fuzzers, operating system, parsers, a website completely C (yes, html was in C as well!), small games, small graphics programs to render shapes by loading 3d models from files, http servers, api backends (in C again, but in Python as well...), and most of this is from scratch.
These are my only original accounts :
If you find my go-to handle (brightprogrammer) anywhere else, that's not me!