Platform for bots to play the game
version 0.0.1
The idea is: make competitions between bots
- Add your bot to test/bots/
- Add .sh script to test/runners. Script should run your bot
- Path your script name as one of parameters in the main function of
- Run
Two bots are playing on cell field. They manage units which can move and fight.
Every turn game gives you conditions of all cells where you have units and all neighbor cells. One cell has 8 neighbors. If you see less, there is a border nearby.
For each cell, you can use direction to move your units.
Game calculate instructions from bots simultaneously. It splits units on every cell in half and sends half of them in direction you choose
If you move to empty cell, this cell becomes yours
If you move to the enemy cell, the winner is the one who has more units. Number of units left on the cell is the difference between units
If both bots move to empty cell, rules same as if one of the bots was there
If there are 0 units on the cell after fight, cell becomes nobody's
If you move your units beyond the limits of the field, they will disappear
Game communicates with bots using files with json. Your runner will be called with one argument: filename in which you can find json with current state of the field. You have to write json with your instructions to this file in the end
json which game will put to file looks like this:
"cells": [{
"owner": "alice",
"units": 5,
"x": 4,
"y": 3
"blob": {}
- owner - name of the owner of the cell. Note that name of your bot will be name of .sh file without extention
- units - number of units in the cell
- x, y - cell coordinates
- blob - whatever you saved in prevous turn
Your instructions should look like this:
"moves": [{
"x": 4,
"y": 3,
"direction": 2
"blob": {}
- x, y - coordinates of the cell you want to move
- direction - direction to move. 0 - UP, 1 - RIGHT, 2 - DOWN, 3 - LEFT
- blob - any data you want to save for the next
Check out settings in file. You can override any setting in settings.ini, which should look like this:
You will find {game_id}.res
file in games
directory after your game finished.
It will contain json with list of lists of cells. Each element of top level list contains cells for the turn.
First element contains cells just after spawn
Second - cells after players make there moves
Third - cells after grow faze
Fourth - cells after players moves again and so on
Thus elements of array correspond such sequence:
spawn -> turn 1 -> grow -> turn 2 -> grow -> turn 3 ...