├── /graphql # Generated GraphQL schema from code
├── /prisma # Generated database Prisma schema from code
├── /scripts # Utility scripts at development time
├── /src # Source code
| ├── /api # Entrypoint
│ ├── /modules
│ │ ├── /<module> # A isolated piece of code, also referred as an subdomain
│ │ │ ├── /domain # Declaration of core business logic/rules, like entities, value objects and domain events
│ │ │ ├── /application # Use cases that relies on domain objects, like application services, external services, domain event handlers
│ │ │ ├── /adapter # Abstractions so that the application layer code can interact with the infra layer code without depends from it (i.e. IUserRepo, IJWTTokenService)
│ │ │ ├── /infra # Concrete implementations of the abstractions from the adapter layer code so that they can be spun up at runtime, like controllers, routes, databases, external APIs, caches and ORMs
│ │ │ /shared # A global module shared between all modules
├── /test # Test helpers
depends frommodules/*
depends frommodules/shared
layer depends from anyoneapplication
layer depends fromdomain
layer depends fromdomain
layer depends fromdomain
A command
should only make writes and don't return any value
- Execute commands against aggregate roots
- Abour your associated collections:
- If there's a invariant / business rule that needs to be protected by returning all of this elements in an associated collection under an aggregate boundary, return them all (like the genres of an artist).
- If there's no underlying invariant / business rule to protect by returning all unbounded elements in an associated collection under an aggregate boundary, don't bother returning them all (like the comments of a post).
- Abour your associated collections:
A query
should only make reads without generate side effects
- Execute queries directly against repositories!
Responsible by users, identity & access management, authentication, authorization
Responsible by manage all incident-related operations.
Responsible by send push notifications to user devices