Installation is pretty simple, the only thing you need is to install Java JRE 1.8
Create local user "laps" – this user will be used to run portal service.
Allow user "laps" to work as a service:
gpedit.msc -> Local Policy -> User Rights Assignment -> Log on as a service: add user "laps"
Create directory C:\laps\ and extract distributive.
Change the directories owner and set up appropriate access rights: user "laps" must have read and write access rights, other users except administrators must not have access to the directory
if java.exe is not on %PATH% set correct path to java executable in file C:\laps\wrapper\conf\wrapper.conf. As file path separator use "/": = path_to_java_exe
Install LAPS portal service. New service "laps" will be created.:
If you have your own license file copy it to C:\laps\_conf\license.txt. Default destribition includes a community license file.
Run the service:
net start laps
Open in browser https://host:8443