Releases: butaneprotocol/blaze-cardano
Releases · butaneprotocol/blaze-cardano
Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [b00a663]
- @blaze-cardano/query@0.4.0
- @blaze-cardano/wallet@0.3.13
Patch Changes
- dd4395a: Add updated plutus v3 cost models for the emulator
Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [2b4c1a6]
- @blaze-cardano/tx@0.10.6
Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [2b4c1a6]
- @blaze-cardano/tx@0.10.6
Patch Changes
- 2b4c1a6: Adds a new Coin Selection algorithm as an export (while keeping the default selection algo intact for now).
Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [2b4c1a6]
- @blaze-cardano/tx@0.10.6
- @blaze-cardano/uplc@0.2.6
- @blaze-cardano/wallet@0.3.11
Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [2b4c1a6]
- @blaze-cardano/tx@0.10.6
- @blaze-cardano/wallet@0.3.11
Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [1d7ba70]
- @blaze-cardano/tx@0.10.5
Patch Changes
- Updated dependencies [1d7ba70]
- @blaze-cardano/tx@0.10.5