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Merge pull request #16 from byuflowlab/test-vortexring
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Vortex ring example simulation
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rymanderson authored Nov 11, 2024
2 parents da5ad00 + ff7f3b0 commit 3f103db
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Showing 3 changed files with 330 additions and 18 deletions.
291 changes: 291 additions & 0 deletions scripts/example-vortexring.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
Vortex ring simulation.
This module contains multiple functions that have been copied/pasted
from FLOWVPM by the author. See
* Author : Eduardo J. Alvarez
* Email :
* Created : Nov 9th, 2024

import Elliptic
import Roots
import Cubature
import LinearAlgebra: I, norm, cross

modulepath = splitdir(@__FILE__)[1] # Path to this module

# Load FastMultipole `vortex.jl` module
using StaticArrays
include(joinpath(modulepath, "..", "test", "vortex.jl"))

# -------------- USEFUL FUNCTIONS ----------------------------------------------
"Number of particles used to discretized a ring"
number_particles(Nphi, nc; extra_nc=0) = Int( Nphi * ( 1 + 8*sum(1:(nc+extra_nc)) ) )

"Analytic self-induced velocity of an inviscid ring"
Uring(circulation, R, Rcross, beta) = circulation/(4*pi*R) * ( log(8*R/Rcross) - beta )

`addvortexring(pfield, circulation, R, AR, Rcross, Nphi, nc, sigma;
extra_nc=0, O=zeros(3), Oaxis=eye(3))`
Adds a vortex ring to the particle field `pfield`. The ring is discretized as
described in Winckelmans' 1989 doctoral thesis (Topics in Vortex Methods...),
where the ring is an ellipse of equivalent radius `R=sqrt(a*b)`, aspect ratio
`AR=a/b`, and cross-sectional radius `Rcross`, where `a` and `b` are the
semi-major and semi-minor axes, respectively. Hence, `AR=1` defines a circle of
radius `R`.
The ring is discretized with `Nphi` cross section evenly spaced and the
thickness of the toroid is discretized with `nc` layers, using particles with
smoothing radius `sigma`. Here, `nc=0` means that the ring is represented only
with particles centered along the centerline, and `nc>0` is the number of layers
around the centerline extending out from 0 to `Rcross`.
Additional layers of empty particles (particle with no strength) beyond `Rcross`
can be added with the optional argument `extra_nc`.
The ring is placed in space at the position `O` and orientation `Oaxis`,
where `Oaxis[:, 1]` is the major axis, `Oaxis[:, 2]` is the minor axis, and
`Oaxis[:, 3]` is the line of symmetry.
function vortexring(circulation::Real,
R::Real, AR::Real, Rcross::Real,
Nphi::Int, nc::Int, sigma::Real; extra_nc::Int=0,
O::Vector{<:Real}=zeros(3), Oaxis=I,
verbose=true, v_lvl=0

maxnp = number_particles(Nphi, nc; extra_nc=extra_nc)
pfield = zeros(7, maxnp)

if AR < 1
error("Invalid aspect ratio AR < 1 (AR = $(AR))")

a = R*sqrt(AR) # Semi-major axis
b = R/sqrt(AR) # Semi-minor axis

fun_S(phi, a, b) = a * Elliptic.E(phi, 1-(b/a)^2) # Arc length from 0 to a given angle
Stot = fun_S(2*pi, a, b) # Total perimeter length of centerline

# Non-dimensional arc length from 0 to a given value <=1
fun_s(phi, a, b) = fun_S(phi, a, b)/fun_S(2*pi, a, b)
# Angle associated to a given non-dimensional arc length
fun_phi(s, a, b) = abs(s) <= eps() ? 0 :
abs(s-1) <= eps() ? 2*pi :
Roots.fzero( phi -> fun_s(phi, a, b) - s, (0, 2*pi-eps()), atol=1e-16, rtol=1e-16)

# Length of a given filament in a
# cross section cell
function fun_length(r, tht, a, b, phi1, phi2)
S1 = fun_S(phi1, a + r*cos(tht), b + r*cos(tht))
S2 = fun_S(phi2, a + r*cos(tht), b + r*cos(tht))

return S2-S1
# Function to be integrated to calculate
# each cell's volume
function fun_dvol(r, args...)
return r * fun_length(r, args...)
# Integrate cell volume
function fun_vol(dvol_wrap, r1, tht1, r2, tht2)
(val, err) = Cubature.hcubature(dvol_wrap, [r1, tht1], [r2, tht2];
reltol=1e-8, abstol=0, maxevals=1000)
return val

invOaxis = inv(Oaxis) # Add particles in the global coordinate system
np = 0
function addparticle(pfield, X, Gamma, sigma, vol, circulation)
X_global = Oaxis*X + O
Gamma_global = Oaxis*Gamma

np += 1
pfield[1:3, np] .= X_global
pfield[4, np] = sigma
pfield[5:7, np] .= Gamma_global


rl = Rcross/(2*nc + 1) # Radial spacing between cross-section layers
dS = Stot/Nphi # Perimeter spacing between cross sections
ds = dS/Stot # Non-dimensional perimeter spacing

omega = circulation / (pi*Rcross^2) # Average vorticity

org_np = 0

# Discretization of torus into cross sections
for N in 0:Nphi-1

# Non-dimensional arc-length position of cross section along centerline
sc1 = ds*N # Lower bound
sc2 = ds*(N+1) # Upper bound
sc = (sc1 + sc2)/2 # Center

# Angle of cross section along centerline
phi1 = fun_phi(sc1, a, b) # Lower bound
phi2 = fun_phi(sc2, a, b) # Upper bound
phic = fun_phi(sc, a, b) # Center

Xc = [a*sin(phic), b*cos(phic), 0] # Center of the cross section
T = [a*cos(phic), -b*sin(phic), 0] # Unitary tangent of this cross section
T ./= norm(T)
T .*= -1 # Flip to make +circulation travel +Z
# Local coordinate system of section
Naxis = hcat(T, cross([0,0,1], T), [0,0,1])

# Volume of each cell in the cross section
dvol_wrap(X) = fun_dvol(X[1], X[2], a, b, phi1, phi2)

# Discretization of cross section into layers
for n in 0:nc+extra_nc

if n==0 # Particle in the center

r1, r2 = 0, rl # Lower and upper radius
tht1, tht2 = 0, 2*pi # Left and right angle
vol = fun_vol(dvol_wrap, r1, tht1, r2, tht2) # Volume
X = Xc # Position
Gamma = omega*vol*T # Vortex strength
# Filament length
length = fun_length(0, 0, a, b, phi1, phi2)
# Circulation
crcltn = norm(Gamma) / length

addparticle(pfield, X, Gamma, sigma, vol, crcltn)

else # Layers

rc = (1 + 12*n^2)/(6*n)*rl # Center radius
r1 = (2*n-1)*rl # Lower radius
r2 = (2*n+1)*rl # Upper radius
ncells = 8*n # Number of cells
deltatheta = 2*pi/ncells # Angle of cells

# Discretize layer into cells around the circumference
for j in 0:(ncells-1)

tht1 = deltatheta*j # Left angle
tht2 = deltatheta*(j+1) # Right angle
thtc = (tht1 + tht2)/2 # Center angle
vol = fun_vol(dvol_wrap, r1, tht1, r2, tht2) # Volume
# Position
X = Xc + Naxis*[0, rc*cos(thtc), rc*sin(thtc)]

# Vortex strength
if n<=nc # Ring particles
Gamma = omega*vol*T
else # Particles for viscous diffusion
Gamma = eps()*T
# Filament length
length = fun_length(rc, thtc, a, b, phi1, phi2)
# Circulation
crcltn = norm(Gamma) / length

addparticle(pfield, X, Gamma, sigma, vol, crcltn)




if verbose
println("\t"^(v_lvl)*"Number of particles: $(np - org_np)")

return pfield

# -------------- SIMULATION PARAMETERS -----------------------------------------
nsteps = 1000 # Number of time steps
Rtot = 2.0 # (m) run simulation for equivalent
# time to this many radii

nrings = 1 # Number of rings
nc = 1 # Number of toroidal layers of discretization
# nc = 0
dZ = 0.1 # (m) spacing between rings
circulations = 1.0*ones(nrings) # (m^2/s) circulation of each ring
Rs = 1.0*ones(nrings) # (m) radius of each ring
ARs = 1.0*ones(nrings) # Aspect ratio AR = a/r of each ring
Rcrosss = 0.15*Rs # (m) cross-sectional radii
sigmas = Rcrosss # Particle smoothing of each radius
Nphis = 100*ones(Int, nrings) # Number of cross sections per ring
ncs = nc*ones(Int, nrings) # Number layers per cross section
extra_ncs = 0*ones(Int, nrings) # Number of extra layers per cross section
Os = [[0, 0, dZ*(ri-1)] for ri in 1:nrings] # Position of each ring
Oaxiss = [I for ri in 1:nrings] # Orientation of each ring
nref = 1 # Reference ring

beta = 0.5 # Parameter for theoretical velocity
faux = 0.25 # Shrinks the discretized core by this factor

pfields = []

for ringi in 1:nrings
pfield = vortexring(circulations[ringi],
Rs[ringi], ARs[ringi], Rcrosss[ringi],
Nphis[ringi], ncs[ringi], sigmas[ringi]; extra_nc=extra_ncs[ringi],
O=Os[ringi], Oaxis=Oaxiss[ringi],
verbose=true, v_lvl=0
push!(pfields, pfield)

pfield = hcat(pfields...)

vortexparticles = VortexParticles(pfield);

# save_vtk("vortexring-000", vortexparticles)

# -------------- RUN SIMULATION ------------------------------------------------
Uref = Uring(circulations[nref], Rs[nref], Rcrosss[nref], beta) # (m/s) reference velocity
dt = (Rtot/Uref) / nsteps # (s) time step

# Create folder to save simulation
savepath = "example-vortexring"

if isdir(savepath)
rm(savepath, recursive=true)

convect!(vortexparticles, nsteps;
# integration options
# fmm options
fmm_p=4, fmm_ncrit=50, fmm_multipole_threshold=0.5,
# fmm_p=43, fmm_ncrit=50, fmm_multipole_threshold=0.5,
# direct=true,
# save options
save=true, filename=joinpath(savepath, "vortexring"), compress=false,
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions test/fmm_test.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -355,6 +355,9 @@ bodies = [
0.08 0.5 1.1

bodies = rand(7,3)

vortex_particles = VortexParticles(bodies)

psis = zeros(3,3)
Expand Down

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