Releases: c2i-junia/rustcraft
- Updated project build system.
- Implemented multiplayer functionality.
- Improved grass block texture.
- Added tall grass that can now generate in most biomes.
- Added cacti generation in Desert biomes.
- Combined the world save file and world seed file into a single file.
- Automatically generate a default world name when none is provided.
- Added in-game time.
- Changed the reticle to a cross shape.
- Fixed an issue where players spawned below the map.
- Players can now walk through flowers.
- Improved menu visuals: added a new background and updated the menu title.
- Added a pixelated font.
- Added support for choosing texture packs via a CLI flag.
Full Changelog: v0.7...v0.8
- Added biomes with 6 types: Plains, Forest, Medium Mountain, High Mountain, Desert, and Ice Plain. Biomes are determined using Perlin noise (temperature and humidity).
- Added tree spawning in Forest biomes.
- Added flowers (poppies and dandelions) in Plains and Forest biomes.
- You can now connect to a server (multiplayer gameplay not functional yet).
- Added textures for items and blocks using an atlas system.
- Refactored the meshing system to support complex shapes (e.g., stairs and slabs).
- Added vertex coloring for grass blocks.
Full Changelog: v0.6...v0.7
- World generation is now entirely handled on the server. The client spawns the server in a separate thread, and the server is responsible for saving and loading worlds.
- Added a menu to choose which world save to load, or to specify a name for creating a new world.
- Added keybinding customization in the settings menu.
- Implemented multithreaded meshing and multithreaded world generation.
Full Changelog: v0.5...v0.6
- Added hotbar
- Added splash screen
- Added main menu
- Enabled dynamic render distance adjustment
- Added world save and load functionality
- Added sky
Full Changelog: v0.4...v0.5
- Added block textures
- Implemented day/night cycle
- Set maximum block breaking distance
- Added inventory UI
- Optimized chunk loading
- Optimized block rendering
Full Changelog: v0.3...v0.4
- Added stone and bedrock blocks
- Added a basic inventory system
- Added F3 debug menu
- Added chunk system with infinite generation
Full Changelog: v0.2...v0.3
- Added block destruction and creation
- Set up first-person view
- Implemented random block height generation using Perlin Noise
- Added global light source
Full Changelog: v0.1...v0.2
- Added gravity
- Player creation with movement on a platform
Full Changelog: