BigCoffee is a next generation DOM toolbox, written in EcmaScript 6 and inspired by (but unlike) jQuery.
You can add this library using our CDN:
<script async src="//missing">
Or just include this in your Node project:
$ npm install bigcoffee
$ yarn add bigcoffee
First of all, instance the library passing a CSS selector to constructor:
const elements = new c('div') // or new BigCoffee('div')
You can find elements inside inputing a new selector across query
const links = elements.find('li a')
Return the first element.
Return element by the index.
Return the last element.
Before start DOM manipulation, you'll need to listen the ready
static method in order to wait DOM load.
function onReady () {
BigCoffee.ready(function (event) {
// Your code goes here.
We encourage you to load the library asynchronously, so BigCoffee always fire window.BigCoffeeReady
after load.
if (BigCoffee) {
} else {
window.BigCoffeeReady = onReady
A module will add methods into the BigCoffee root. There is a native method called extends
which must be invoked to merge your custom methods with the library.
In the example below we'll implement two custom methods which will paint the color
and the background-color
with a custom color respectively.
color (color) {
for (let element of this) {
element.style.color = color
return this
fill (color) {
for (let element of this) {
element.style.backgroundColor = color
return this
As you can see, we have returned this
in the methods to enable chaining, so you can use like this to paint all div
// First of all, store the elements.
const elements = new c('div')
// Now you can chain the methods.
There is a one more thing stuff: you can also input a function
to extends
which must return an object
with the methods:
BigCoffee.extends(function () {
function borderColor (color) {
for (let element of this) {
element.style.borderColor = color
return this
return {
Note that we always loop the elements (for (let element of this) {}
) to apply the changes for all.
contains compiled versions of the library and the modules.docs
contains docs for all modules.src
contains the source code.
You can help this project in several ways.
We would like to:
- Create a website.
- Create more native and custom modules.
- Publicize and implement the library wherever as possible.
- Separate modules into single packages.
About the native modules, we want provide these:
- Ajax
- Animations
- Attributes
- Classes
- Elements
- Events
- Forms
- Styles
Please keep the code pattern.
We use Gulp to generate all the versions.