Consider two JSON objects one in person.json and another in profile.json.
person.json contains
{ "name": "Doe, Jane", "email":"", "age": 42 }
profile.json contains
{ "name": "Doe, Jane", "bio": "World renowned geophysist.",
"email": "" }
A simple join of person.json with profile.json (note the -create option)
jsonjoin -create person.json profile.json
would yield and object like
"person": { "name": "Doe, Jane", "email":"",
"age": 42},
"profile": { "name": "Doe, Jane", "bio": "World renowned geophysist.",
"email": "" }
Likewise if you want to treat person.json as the root object and add profile.json as a branch try
cat person.json | jsonjoin profile.json
jsonjoin -i person.json profile.json
this yields an object like
"name": "Doe, Jane", "email":"", "age": 42,
"profile": { "name": "Doe, Jane", "bio": "World renowned geophysist.",
"email": "" }
You can modify this behavor with -update or -overwrite. Both options are order dependant (i.e. not associative, A update B does not necessarily equal B update A).
- -update will add unique key/values from the second object to the first object
- -overwrite replace key/values in first object one with second objects'
jsonjoin -create -update person.json profile.json
would yield
{ "name": "Doe, Jane", "email":"", "age": 42,
"bio": "World renowned geophysist." }
jsonjoin -create -update profile.json person.json
would yield
{ "name": "Doe, Jane", "age": 42,
"bio": "World renowned geophysist.",
"email": "" }
jsonjoin -create -overwrite person.json profile.json
would yield
{ "name": "Doe, Jane", "email":"", "age": 42,
"bio": "World renowned geophysist." }