This is the repository for the Bookings and reservations in Go
- Built in Go version 1.18.1
- Uses the chi browser
- Uses alex edwards SCS session manager
- Uses nosurf
Use the following credentials to check the admin site:
pass: admin
Install and start a local PostgreSQL instance and set the postgres
user password to postgres
Install Go 1.18.1 or newer:
Download this project:
git clone
Init the Go modules:
go mod init
go mod tidy
go get
go get
go get
go get
go get
Compile and start the application:
The application will be available here:
This project generates two containers, the init container to make the DB migrations with Soda and the main application container.
The Groovy pipeline used to make these containers is available, it uses Buildah instead of the whole Docker application
The container images are being uploaded to the Docker Hub Public registry
This application includes MailHog integration, however, is not configured with any email server. You would have to configure that if you really want to test this feature.
MailHog by default can be accessed through the port 8025:
ArgoCD can control its automatic deployment from the cd repository bookings-cd