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Merge pull request #40 from RaqManzano/Adding-singularity-section
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tavareshugo authored Mar 19, 2024
2 parents a64617b + 8ea2e93 commit 63bfef8
Showing 1 changed file with 144 additions and 4 deletions.
148 changes: 144 additions & 4 deletions materials/
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Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,11 @@ title: "Software Management"
#### Learning Objectives

- Use the `module` tool to search for and load pre-installed software.
- Understand what a package manager is, and how it can be used to manage software instalation on a HPC environment.
- Describe what a package manager is, and how it can be used to manage software instalation on a HPC environment.
- Install the _Mamba_ package manager.
- Create a software environment and install software using _Mamba_.
- Describe what a software container is and how it differs from a package manager.
- Download and use a pre-existing software container for bioinformatics and scientific computing applications.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -196,7 +198,7 @@ Let's see this with an example, where we create a new environment called "datasc

mamba create --name datasci
mamba install --name datasci --channel conda-forge numpy=1.12.0 matplotlib=3.8.3
mamba install --name datasci --channel conda-forge numpy=1.26.4 matplotlib=3.8.3

Note that, in this case, we were explicit in specifying the version of each software we want.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -263,12 +265,14 @@ For example, to load the `datasci` environment we created, this would be the cod
# Always add these two commands to your scripts
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
source $(mamba info --base)/etc/profile.d/
source $CONDA_PREFIX/etc/profile.d/

# then you can activate the environment
mamba activate datasci

<!-- source $(conda info --base)/etc/profile.d/ -->

This is because when we submit jobs to SLURM the jobs will start in a non-interactive shell, and `mamba` doesn't get automatically set.
Running the `source` command shown will ensure `mamba activate` becomes available.
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## Containers

Containers are a technology that can be used to create and manage computational environments.
A container is a lightweight, standalone executable package that contains everything needed to run a piece of software, including the operating system, libraries, and application code.
Containers are isolated from the host system, meaning that they can run the same software in different environments without conflicts or interference.
By using containers, researchers can ensure that their code runs consistently across different systems and platforms, without having to worry about dependencies or conflicts with other software on the host system.

We will focus on one of the most popular container platforms for cluster systems: _Singularity_.
[Singularity]( is a free and open-source computer program that performs operating-system-level virtualization also known as containerization.
Singularity is also designed to create and manage isolated environments as [Docker](, which is another popular and wildly used container platform (i.e. images created with docker can be compatible with Singularity and _vice versa_)*.

:::{.callout-note collapse=true}
#### Docker vs singularity

There are some key differences between Docker containers and Singularity containers.
The most important being the necessary *permission level* of the containers.
Docker containers run as root by default, which means that they have full access to the host system.
While this can be advantageous in some cases, it can also pose security risks, particularly in multi-user environments.
Singularity, on the other hand, runs containers as non-root users by default, which can improve security and prevent unauthorized access to the host system.
Singularity is specifically designed for use in HPC environments and can run on a wide variety of platforms and systems without root access.


- Docker is well-suited for building and distributing software across different platforms and operating systems
- Singularity is specifically designed for use in HPC environments and can provide improved security and performance in those settings.

### Singularity installation

Typically, Singularity is pre-installed on HPC servers by the system administrators, and **we recommend that you use the version installed by your system admins**.

Alternatively, it is also possible to install Singularity using _Mamba_:

mamba create singularity -c conda-forge singularity

However, we have found this to be a less reliable way to setup _Singularity_ on a HPC, as it may require further configuration to interact with the filesystem (in particular as we submit jobs to SLURM).

### Singularity images

Although you can build your own Singularity images, for many popular software there are already pre-built images available from public repositories.
Some popular ones are:

- [](
- [Sylabs](

For example, let's consider the [SeqKit program](, which is a toolkit for manipulating FASTA/Q files.
If we search on either of those websites, we will see this software is available on both.
In this case, the version on Sylabs ([here]( is older than the one on the Galaxy server (at the time of writing we have 2.8.0 available).

Therefore, let's consider the file on the Galaxy server.
First, go to []( and search for the software of interest (use <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>F</kbd> to find the text of interest).
When you find the software and version of interest, right-click the file and click "Copy Link".
Then use that link with the `singularity pull` command:

# create a directory for our singularity images
mkdir images

# download the image
singularity pull images/seqkit-2.8.0.sif

Here, we are saving the image file as `seqkit-2.8.0.sif` (`.sif` is the standard extension for singularity images).
Once we have this image available, we are ready to run the software, which will see in practice with the exercise below.

### Exercise: running singularity


To illustrate the use of Singularity, we will use the `seqkit` software to extract some basic statistics from the sequencing files in the `data/drosophila` directory.
If you haven't done so already, first download the container image with the commands shown above.

The way to run a command within a singularity container is:


- Write a command to run the command `seqkit stats data/reads/*.fastq.gz` using the singularity image we downloaded earlier.
- Test your command by running it on the login node. Note: this would usually be **bad practice**, we are only doing this for demonstration purposes.
- Modify the script `slurm/` and add your command to it, submitting it as a job.
- Where do you think the output will be saved in this case?
- As an optional bonus, modify the command to output the results to a file called `results/fastq_stats.txt`.

The Singularity command is:

singularity run images/seqkit-2.8.0.sif seqkit stats data/reads/*.fastq.gz

If we run this on the login node, it produces an output like this:

file format type num_seqs sum_len min_len avg_len max_len
data/reads/SRR307023_1.fastq.gz FASTQ DNA 5,000 505,000 101 101 101
data/reads/SRR307023_2.fastq.gz FASTQ DNA 5,000 505,000 101 101 101
data/reads/SRR307024_1.fastq.gz FASTQ DNA 5,000 505,000 101 101 101
... etc ...

For high-compute tasks, **we should not run our command directly on the login node**.
Instead, we can modify the SLURM submission script to include this command inside it:

#SBATCH -p training # name of the partition to run job on
#SBATCH -D /home/YOUR-USERNAME/scratch/hpc_workshop/ # working directory
#SBATCH -o logs/seqkit.log # standard output file
#SBATCH -c 1 # number of CPUs. Default: 1
#SBATCH --mem=1G # RAM memory. Default: 1G
#SBATCH -t 00:10:00 # time for the job HH:MM:SS. Default: 1 min

singularity run images/seqkit-2.8.0.sif seqkit stats data/reads/*.fastq.gz

(Don't forget to adjust the username in `#SBATCH -D`.)

In this case the output would be saved to the `.log` file.
We could, instead, modify our command to save the output to a file using the standard `>` redirection operator:

singularity run images/seqkit-2.8.0.sif seqkit stats data/reads/*.fastq.gz > results/fastq_stats.txt

Expand All @@ -390,7 +527,10 @@ index.rev.2.bt2
- _Mamba_ allows you to have separate "software environments", where multiple package versions can co-exist on your system.
- Use `mamba env create ENV` to create a new software environment and `mamba install -n ENV PROGRAM` to install a program on that environment.
- Use `mamba activate ENV` to "activate" the software environment and make all the programs installed there available.
- When submitting jobs to `sbatch`, always remember to include `source $(mamba info --base)/etc/profile.d/` at the start of the shell script, followed by the `mamba activate` command.
- When submitting jobs to `sbatch`, always remember to include `source $CONDA_PREFIX/etc/profile.d/` at the start of the shell script, followed by the `mamba activate` command.
- Software containers can be a reliable alternative to _Mamba_ environments, with many pre-existing containers available at [Sylabs]( and [](
- To download a software container from public repositories, use the `singularity pull` command.
- To run a command within the software container, use the `singularity run` command.

Further resources:

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