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Activate jobs
Iterate through all known partitions and activate jobs up to the requested maximum.
Activate jobs
post api-method

import MethodEndpoint from "@theme/ApiExplorer/MethodEndpoint"; import ParamsDetails from "@theme/ParamsDetails"; import RequestSchema from "@theme/RequestSchema"; import StatusCodes from "@theme/StatusCodes"; import OperationTabs from "@theme/OperationTabs"; import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem"; import Heading from "@theme/Heading";

<Heading as={"h1"} className={"openapi__heading"} children={"Activate jobs"}

<MethodEndpoint method={"post"} path={"/jobs/activation"} context={"endpoint"}

Iterate through all known partitions and activate jobs up to the requested maximum.

<Heading id={"request"} as={"h2"} className={"openapi-tabs__heading"} children={"Request"}

<RequestSchema title={"Body"} body={{ required: true, content: { "application/json": { schema: { type: "object", properties: { type: { description: 'The job type, as defined in the BPMN process (e.g. <zeebe:taskDefinition type="payment-service" />).\n', type: "string", }, worker: { description: "The name of the worker activating the jobs, mostly used for logging purposes.", type: "string", nullable: true, }, timeout: { description: "A job returned after this call will not be activated by another call until the timeout (in ms) has been reached.\n", type: "integer", format: "int64", }, maxJobsToActivate: { description: "The maximum jobs to activate by this request.", type: "integer", format: "int32", }, fetchVariable: { description: "A list of variables to fetch as the job variables; if empty, all visible variables at the time of activation for the scope of the job will be returned.\n", type: "array", nullable: true, items: { type: "string" }, }, requestTimeout: { description: "The request will be completed when at least one job is activated or after the requestTimeout (in ms). If the requestTimeout = 0, a default timeout is used. If the requestTimeout < 0, long polling is disabled and the request is completed immediately, even when no job is activated.\n", type: "integer", format: "int64", default: 0, nullable: true, }, tenantIds: { description: "A list of IDs of tenants for which to activate jobs.", type: "array", items: { type: "string" }, nullable: true, }, }, required: ["type", "timeout", "maxJobsToActivate"], title: "JobActivationRequest", }, }, }, }}

<StatusCodes id={undefined} label={undefined} responses={{ "200": { description: "The list of activated jobs.", content: { "application/json": { schema: { description: "The list of activated jobs", type: "object", properties: { jobs: { description: "The activated jobs.", type: "array", items: { type: "object", properties: { type: { description: "The type of the job (should match what was requested).", type: "string", }, processDefinitionId: { description: "The bpmn process ID of the job's process definition.", type: "string", }, processDefinitionVersion: { description: "The version of the job's process definition.", type: "integer", format: "int32", }, elementId: { description: "The associated task element ID.", type: "string", }, customHeaders: { description: "A set of custom headers defined during modelling; returned as a serialized JSON document.", type: "object", additionalProperties: true, }, worker: { description: "The name of the worker which activated this job.", type: "string", }, retries: { description: "The amount of retries left to this job (should always be positive).", type: "integer", format: "int32", }, deadline: { description: "When the job can be activated again, sent as a UNIX epoch timestamp.", type: "integer", format: "int64", }, variables: { description: "All variables visible to the task scope, computed at activation time.", type: "object", additionalProperties: true, }, tenantId: { description: "The ID of the tenant that owns the job.", type: "string", }, jobKey: { description: "The key, a unique identifier for the job.", type: "string", }, processInstanceKey: { description: "The job's process instance key.", type: "string", }, processDefinitionKey: { description: "The key of the job's process definition.", type: "string", }, elementInstanceKey: { description: "The unique key identifying the associated task, unique within the scope of the process instance.\n", type: "string", }, }, title: "ActivatedJobResult", }, }, }, title: "JobActivationResult", }, }, }, }, "400": { description: "The provided data is not valid.", content: { "application/problem+json": { schema: { description: "A Problem detail object as described in RFC 9457. There may be additional properties specific to the problem type.\n", type: "object", properties: { type: { type: "string", format: "uri", description: "A URI identifying the problem type.", default: "about:blank", }, title: { type: "string", description: "A summary of the problem type.", }, status: { type: "integer", format: "int32", description: "The HTTP status code for this problem.", minimum: 400, maximum: 600, }, detail: { type: "string", description: "An explanation of the problem in more detail.", }, instance: { type: "string", format: "uri", description: "A URI identifying the origin of the problem.", }, }, title: "ProblemDetail", }, }, }, }, "500": { description: "An internal error occurred while processing the request.\n", content: { "application/problem+json": { schema: { description: "A Problem detail object as described in RFC 9457. There may be additional properties specific to the problem type.\n", type: "object", properties: { type: { type: "string", format: "uri", description: "A URI identifying the problem type.", default: "about:blank", }, title: { type: "string", description: "A summary of the problem type.", }, status: { type: "integer", format: "int32", description: "The HTTP status code for this problem.", minimum: 400, maximum: 600, }, detail: { type: "string", description: "An explanation of the problem in more detail.", }, instance: { type: "string", format: "uri", description: "A URI identifying the origin of the problem.", }, }, title: "ProblemDetail", }, }, }, }, }}