id | title | sidebar_label | description |
upgrade |
Upgrading Camunda 8 Helm deployment |
Upgrade |
To upgrade to a more recent version of the Camunda Helm charts, there are certain things you need to keep in mind. |
To upgrade to a more recent version of the Camunda Helm charts, there are certain things you need to keep in mind.
Ensure to review the instructions for a specific version before staring the actual upgrade.
Normally for a Helm upgrade, you run the Helm upgrade command. If you have disabled Camunda Identity and the related authentication mechanism, you should be able to do an upgrade as follows:
helm upgrade camunda
However, if Camunda Identity is enabled (which is the default), the upgrade path is a bit more complex than just running helm upgrade
. Read the next section to familiarize yourself with the upgrade process.
If you have installed the Camunda 8 Helm charts before with default values, this means Identity and the related authentication mechanism are enabled. For authentication, the Helm charts generate the secrets randomly if not specified on installation for each web application. If you run helm upgrade
to upgrade to a newer chart version, you likely will see the following return:
helm upgrade camunda-platform-test camunda/camunda-platform
You likely will see the following error:
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: execution error at (camunda-platform/charts/identity/templates/tasklist-secret.yaml:10:22):
PASSWORDS ERROR: You must provide your current passwords when upgrading the release.
Note that even after reinstallation, old credentials may be needed as they may be kept in persistent volume claims.
Further information can be obtained at
'global.identity.auth.tasklist.existingSecret' must not be empty, please add '--set global.identity.auth.tasklist.existingSecret=$TASKLIST_SECRET' to the command. To get the current value:
export TASKLIST_SECRET=$(kubectl get secret --namespace "camunda" "camunda-platform-test-tasklist-identity-secret" -o jsonpath="{.data.tasklist-secret}" | base64 --decode)
As mentioned, this output returns because secrets are randomly generated with the first Helm installation by default if not further specified. We use a library chart provided by Bitnami for this. The generated secrets persist on persistent volume claims (PVCs), which are not maintained by Helm.
If you remove the Helm chart release or do an upgrade, PVCs are not removed nor recreated. On an upgrade, secrets can be recreated by Helm, and could lead to the regeneration of the secret values. This would mean that newly-generated secrets would no longer match with the persisted secrets. To avoid such an issue, Bitnami blocks the upgrade path and prints the help message as shown above.
In the error message, Bitnami links to their troubleshooting guide. However, to avoid confusion, we will step through the troubleshooting process in this guide as well.
For a successful upgrade, you first need to extract all secrets which were previously generated.
:::note You also need to extract all secrets which were generated for Keycloak, since Keycloak is a dependency of Identity. :::
To extract the secrets, use the following code snippet. Make sure to replace camunda
with your actual Helm release name.
export TASKLIST_SECRET=$(kubectl get secret "camunda-tasklist-identity-secret" -o jsonpath="{.data.tasklist-secret}" | base64 --decode)
export OPTIMIZE_SECRET=$(kubectl get secret "camunda-optimize-identity-secret" -o jsonpath="{.data.optimize-secret}" | base64 --decode)
export OPERATE_SECRET=$(kubectl get secret "camunda-operate-identity-secret" -o jsonpath="{.data.operate-secret}" | base64 --decode)
export CONNECTORS_SECRET=$(kubectl get secret "camunda-connectors-identity-secret" -o jsonpath="{.data.connectors-secret}" | base64 --decode)
export ZEEBE_SECRET=$(kubectl get secret "camunda-zeebe-identity-secret" -o jsonpath="{.data.zeebe-secret}" | base64 --decode)
export KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_SECRET=$(kubectl get secret "camunda-keycloak" -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode)
export KEYCLOAK_MANAGEMENT_SECRET=$(kubectl get secret "camunda-keycloak" -o jsonpath="{}" | base64 --decode)
export POSTGRESQL_SECRET=$(kubectl get secret "camunda-postgresql" -o jsonpath="{.data.postgres-password}" | base64 --decode)
After exporting all secrets into environment variables, run the following upgrade command:
helm upgrade camunda camunda/camunda-platform\
--set global.identity.auth.tasklist.existingSecret=$TASKLIST_SECRET \
--set global.identity.auth.optimize.existingSecret=$OPTIMIZE_SECRET \
--set global.identity.auth.operate.existingSecret=$OPERATE_SECRET \
--set global.identity.auth.connectors.existingSecret=$CONNECTORS_SECRET \
--set global.identity.auth.zeebe.existingSecret=$ZEEBE_SECRET \
--set identity.keycloak.auth.adminPassword=$KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_SECRET \
--set identity.keycloak.auth.managementPassword=$KEYCLOAK_MANAGEMENT_SECRET \
--set identity.keycloak.postgresql.auth.password=$POSTGRESQL_SECRET
If you have specified on the first installation certain values, you have to specify them again on the upgrade either via --set
or the values file and the -f
For more details on the Keycloak upgrade path, you can also read the Bitnami Keycloak upgrade guide.
For full change log, view the Camunda Helm chart v9.0.0 release notes.
As of the 8.4 release cycle, the Camunda 8 Helm chart version is decoupled from the version of the application. The Helm chart release still follows the applications release cycle, but it has an independent version. (e.g., in the application release cycle 8.4, the chart version is 9.0.0).
For more details about the applications version included in the Helm chart, check out the full version matrix.
:::caution Potential breaking changes By default this change isn't breaking change unless custom changes made outside Helm chart related to OIDC configuration. :::
Cross-components Keycloak-specific configurations has been replaced for a more generic OIDC configuration; Hence, components can use other OIDC-compliant OAuth 2.0 identity providers.
Accordingly, some unused environment variables have been removed from Web Modeler because of the implementation of custom OIDC support. The naming has also been adjusted to use the newer scheme.
For more details, check Connect to an OpenID Connect provider.
The embedded Keycloak Helm chart has been upgraded from 16.1.7 to 17.3.6 (only the Keycloak Helm chart has been upgrade, the actual Keycloak version still on 22.0.5).
Elasticsearch image has been upgraded from 8.8.2 to 8.9.2.
The following steps are applied when upgrading from any previous version, including 8.3.0
To fix a critical issue, the following components had labels change: Operate, Optimize, Tasklist, Zeebe, and Zeebe Gateway.
Therefore, before upgrading from any previous versions, delete the Deployment/StatefulSet
. There will be a downtime between the resource deletion and the actual upgrade.
kubectl -n camunda delete deployment camunda-operate
kubectl -n camunda delete deployment camunda-tasklist
kubectl -n camunda delete deployment camunda-optimize
kubectl -n camunda delete deployment camunda-zeebe-gateway
kubectl -n camunda delete statefulset camunda-zeebe
Then, follow the upgrade process as usual.
This change has no effect on the usual upgrade using Helm CLI. However, it could be relevant if you are using Helm post-rendering via other tools like Kustomize.
The following resources have been renamed:
- ConfigMap: From
. - ServiceAccount: From
:::caution Updating Operate, Tasklist, and Optimize from 8.2.x to 8.3.0 will potentially take longer than expected, depending on the data to be migrated. Additionally, we identified some bugs that could also prevent the migration from succeeding. These are being addressed and will be available in an upcoming 8.3.1 patch. We suggest not updating until the patch is released. :::
For full change log, view the Camunda Helm chart v8.3.0 release notes.
:::caution Breaking changes
- Elasticsearch upgraded from v7.x to v8.x.
- Keycloak upgraded from v19.x to v22.x.
- Zeebe runs as a non-root user by default.
Elasticsearch upgraded from v7.x to v8.x. Follow the Elasticsearch official upgrade guide to ensure you are not using any deprecated values when upgrading.
The syntax of the chart values file has been changed due to the upgrade. There are two cases based on if you use the default values or custom values.
Case One: Default values.yaml
If you are using our default values.yaml
, no change is required. Follow the upgrade steps as usual with the updated default values.yaml
Case Two: Custom values.yaml
If you have a custom values.yaml
, change the image repository and tag:
repository: bitnami/elasticsearch
tag: 8.6.2
Setting the persistent volume size of the master nodes can't be done using the volumeClaimTemplate
anymore. It must be done using the master values:
masterOnly: false
heapSize: 1024m
size: 64Gi
Setting a retentionPolicy
for Elasticsearch values can't be done anymore. The retentionPolicy
should be used in the respective components instead. For example, here is an Elasticsearch retentionPolicy
for the Tasklist component:
enabled: false
minimumAge: 30d
In the global section, the host to show to release-name should be changed as well:
host: "{{ .Release.Name }}-elasticsearch"
The Elasticsearch 8 chart is using different PVC names. Therefore, it's required to migrate the old PVCs to the new names, which could be done in two ways: automatic (requires certain K8s version and CSI driver), or manual (works with any Kubernetes setup).
In call cases, the following steps must be executed before the upgrade.
Option One: CSI volume cloning
This method will take advantage of the CSI volume cloning functionality from the CSI driver.
- The Kubernetes cluster should be at least v1.20.
- The CSI driver must be present on your cluster.
Clones are provisioned like any other PVC with a reference to an existing PVC in the same namespace.
Before applying this manifest, ensure to scale the Elasticsearch replicas to 0. Also, ensure the
matches the PVC that you would like to clone.
Here is an example YAML file for cloning the Elasticsearch PVC:
First, stop Elasticsearch pods:
kubectl scale statefulset elasticsearch-master --replicas=0
Then, clone the PVC (this example is for one PVC, usually you have two PVCs):
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
labels: master integration elasticsearch
name: data-integration-elasticsearch-master-0
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 64Gi
name: elasticsearch-master-elasticsearch-master-0
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
For reference, visit Kubernetes - CSI Volume Cloning.
Option Two: Update PV manually
This approach works with any Kubernetes cluster.
- Get the name of PV for both Elasticsearch master PVs.
- Change the reclaim policy of the Elasticsearch PVs to
First, get the PV from PVC:
ES_PV_NAME0="$(kubectl get pvc elasticsearch-master-elasticsearch-master-0 -o jsonpath='{.spec.volumeName}')"
Then, change the Reclaim Policy:
kubectl patch pv "${ES_PV_NAME0}" -p '{"spec":{"persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy":"Retain"}}'
Finally, verify the Reclaim Policy has been changed:
kubectl get pv "${ES_PV_NAME0}" | grep Retain || echo '[ERROR] Reclaim Policy is not Retain!'
Within both Elasticsearch master PVs, edit the claimRef
to include the name of the new PVCs that will appear after the upgrade. For example:
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
name: data-camunda-elasticsearch-master-0
namespace: <NAMESPACE>
After a successful upgrade, you can now delete the old PVCs that are in a Lost
state. Then, proceed with the upgrade.
Keycloak upgraded from v19.x to v22.x, which is the latest version at the time of writing. Even though there is no breaking change found, the upgrade should be handled carefully because of the Keycloak major version upgrade. Ensure you back up the Keycloak database before the upgrade.
:::note The Keycloak PostgreSQL chart shows some warnings which are safe to ignore. That false positive issue has been reported, and it should be fixed in the next releases of the upstream PostgreSQL Helm chart. :::
coalesce.go:289: warning: destination for keycloak.postgresql.networkPolicy.egressRules.customRules is a table. Ignoring non-table value ([])
coalesce.go:289: warning: destination for keycloak.postgresql.networkPolicy.ingressRules.readReplicasAccessOnlyFrom.customRules is a table. Ignoring non-table value ([])
coalesce.go:289: warning: destination for keycloak.postgresql.networkPolicy.ingressRules.primaryAccessOnlyFrom.customRules is a table. Ignoring non-table value ([])
Using a non-root user by default is a security principle introduced in this version. However, because there is persistent storage in Zeebe, earlier versions may run into problems with existing file permissions not matching up with the file permissions assigned to the running user. There are two ways to fix this:
Option One: Use Zeebe user ID (recommended)
Change podSecurityContext.fsGroup
to point to the UID of the running user. The default user in Zeebe has the UID 1000
. That will modify the group permissions of all persistent volumes attached to that Pod.
fsGroup: 1000
If you already modify the current running user, then the fsGroup
needs to be changed to match the UID.
runAsUser: 1008
fsGroup: 1008
Some storage classes may not support the fsGroup
option. In this case, a possibility is to run a debug Pod to chown the mounted volumes.
Option Two: Use root user ID
If the recommended solution does not help, you may change the running user back to root.
runAsUser: 0
The configuration format of external database has been changed in Web Modeler from host
, port
, database
The old format:
host: web-modeler-postgres-ext
port: 5432
database: rest-api-db
The new format:
url: "jdbc:postgresql://web-modeler-postgres-ext:5432/rest-api-db"
For Optimize 3.10.1, a new environment variable introduced redirection URL. However, the change is not compatible with Camunda Helm charts until it is fixed in 3.10.3 (and Helm chart 8.2.9). Therefore, those versions are coupled to certain Camunda Helm chart versions:
Optimize version | Camunda Helm chart version |
Optimize 3.10.1 & Optimize 3.10.2 | 8.2.0 - 8.2.8 |
Optimize 3.10.3 | 8.2.9+ |
No action is needed if you use Optimize 3.10.3 (shipped with this Helm chart version by default), but this Optimize version cannot be used out of the box with previous Helm chart versions.
:::caution Breaking change
Zeebe Gateway authentication is now enabled by default.
To authenticate:
- Create a client credential.
- Assign permissions to the application.
- Connect with:
Camunda 8 Connectors component is one of our applications which performs the integration with an external system.
Currently, in all cases, either you will use Connectors v8.2 or not, this step should be done. You need to create the Connectors secret object (more details about this in camunda-platform-helm/656).
First, generate the Connectors secret:
helm template camunda camunda/camunda-platform --version 8.2 \
--show-only charts/identity/templates/connectors-secret.yaml >
Then apply it:
kubectl apply --namespace <NAMESPACE_NAME> -f identity-connectors-secret.yaml
Camunda v8.2 uses Keycloak v19 which depends on PostgreSQL v15. That is a major change for the dependencies. Currently there are two recommended options to upgrade from Camunda 8.1.x to 8.2.x:
- Use the previous version of PostgreSQL v14 in Camunda v8.2, this should be simple and it will work seamlessly.
- Follow the official PostgreSQL upgrade guide: Upgrading a PostgreSQL Cluster v15. However, it requires some manual work and longer downtime to do the database schema upgrade.
Method 1: Use the previous version PostgreSQL v14
You can set the PostgreSQL image tag as follows:
tag: 14.5.0
Then follow the typical upgrade steps.
Method 2: Upgrade the database schema to work with PostgreSQL v15
The easiest way to upgrade major versions of postgresql is to start a port-forward,
and then run pg_dump
or pg_restore
. The postgresql client versions are fairly flexible
with different server versions, but for best results, we recommend using the newest
client version.
- In one terminal, start a
against the postgresql service:
kubectl port-forward svc/camunda-postgresql 5432
Follow the rest of these steps in a different terminal.
- Get the 'postgres' users password from the postgresql service:
kubectl exec -it statefulset/camunda-postgresql -- env | grep "POSTGRES_POSTGRES_PASSWORD="
- Scale identity down using the following command:
kubectl scale --replicas=0 deployment camunda-identity
- Perform the database dump:
pg_dumpall -U postgres -h localhost -p 5432 | tee dump.psql
Password: <enter password from previous command without POSTGRES_POSTGRES_PASSWORD=>
may ask multiple times for the same password. The database will be dumped into dump.psql
- Scale database down using the following command:
kubectl scale --replicas=0 statefulset camunda-postgresql
- Delete the PVC for the postgresql instance using the following command:
kubectl delete pvc data-camunda-postgresql-0
- Update the postgresql version using the following command:
kubectl set image statefulset/camunda-postgresql
- Scale the services back up using the following command:
kubectl scale --replicas=1 statefulset camunda-postgresql
- Restore the database dump using the following command:
psql -U postgres -h localhost -p 5432 -f dump.psql
- Scale up identity using the following command:
kubectl scale --replicas=1 deployment camunda-identity
Then follow the typical upgrade steps.
If you installed Camunda 8 using Helm charts before 8.0.13
, you need to apply the following steps to handle the new Elasticsearch labels.
As a prerequisite, make sure you have the Elasticsearch Helm repository added:
helm repo add elastic
First get the name of Elasticsearch Persistent Volumes:
ES_PV_NAME0=$(kubectl get pvc elasticsearch-master-elasticsearch-master-0 -o jsonpath="{.spec.volumeName}")
ES_PV_NAME1=$(kubectl get pvc elasticsearch-master-elasticsearch-master-1 -o jsonpath="{.spec.volumeName}")
Make sure these are the correct Persistent Volumes:
kubectl get persistentvolume $ES_PV_NAME0 $ES_PV_NAME1
It should show something like the following (note the name of the claim, it's for Elasticsearch):
pvc-80bde37a-3c5b-40f4-87f3-8440e658be75 64Gi RWO Delete Bound camunda/elasticsearch-master-elasticsearch-master-0 standard 20d
pvc-3e9129bc-9415-46c3-a005-00ce3b9b3be9 64Gi RWO Delete Bound camunda/elasticsearch-master-elasticsearch-master-1 standard 20d
The final step here is to change Persistent Volumes reclaim policy:
kubectl patch persistentvolume "${ES_PV_NAME0}" \
-p '{"spec":{"persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy":"Retain"}}'
kubectl patch persistentvolume "${ES_PV_NAME1}" \
-p '{"spec":{"persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy":"Retain"}}'
kubectl label persistentvolumeclaim elasticsearch-master-elasticsearch-master-0 \
release=camunda chart=elasticsearch app=elasticsearch-master
kubectl label persistentvolumeclaim elasticsearch-master-elasticsearch-master-1 \
release=camunda chart=elasticsearch app=elasticsearch-master
Note that there will be a downtime between this step and the next step.
kubectl delete statefulset elasticsearch-master
helm template camunda/camunda-platform camunda --version <CHART_VERSION> \
--show-only charts/elasticsearch/templates/statefulset.yaml
is the version you want to update to (8.0.13
or later).