id | title | description |
parallel-gateways |
Parallel gateway |
A parallel gateway (or AND-gateway) allows you to split the flow into concurrent paths. |
A parallel gateway (or AND-gateway) allows you to split the flow into concurrent paths.
When a parallel gateway with multiple outgoing sequence flows is entered, all flows are taken. The paths are executed concurrently and independently.
The concurrent paths can be joined using a parallel gateway with multiple incoming sequence flows. The process instance waits at the parallel gateway until each incoming sequence is taken.
:::note The outgoing paths of the parallel gateway are executed concurrently and not parallel in the sense of parallel threads. All records of a process instance are written to the same partition (single stream processor). :::
A parallel gateway with two outgoing sequence flows:
<bpmn:parallelGateway id="split" />
<bpmn:sequenceFlow id="to-ship-parcel" sourceRef="split"
targetRef="shipParcel" />
<bpmn:sequenceFlow id="to-process-payment" sourceRef="split"
targetRef="processPayment" />