id | title | sidebar_label | description |
what-is-identity |
What is Identity? |
What is Identity? |
Identity is the component within the Camunda 8 stack responsible for authentication and authorization. |
Identity is the component within the Camunda 8 stack responsible for authentication and authorization. It allows you to manage:
- Applications
- APIs
- Permissions
- Roles
For example, using Identity you can:
- Add and assign a role to a user, which is a way to group sets of permissions which can be assigned to users using the Identity UI.
- Add and assign a permission to a role to control the level of access a user or an application has to a particular component.
- Create a group to apply a set of roles and authorizations to users.
- Manage resource authorizations to control resource access within the Identity application.
- Utilize configuration variables.
If you're new to Identity, we suggest reviewing our getting started guide.
You can use Identity for authentication with Keycloak. The following guidance can be used during platform installation and deployment: