All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
- button: require iconDescription for icon-only (#2929) (185f77e), closes #2884
- radio-button: group-level label/button alignment (#2914) (9a9da70), closes #2286
- multi-select: match v10 spec (#2769) (6f593c2)
- Notification: make subtitle optional (#2802) (ebf9437), closes #2780
- react: update icons-react dependency (#2706) (6206316)
- tabs: replace wrapper
(#2853) (eeba295) - Tooltip: remove ARIA attribute (#2656) (2792352)
- ui-shell: add in global header patterns to storybook examples (#2705) (a8e25b9)
- ui-shell: adds UX patterns for Header with SideNav (#2846) (4b3a267)
- ui-shell: design updates to side nav (#2786) (94dd6af)
- button: add field variant (#2719) (ce4b30b)
- ui-shell: blank right panel and switcher (#2847) (8c6408f)
- combobox: add itemToElement to render items as custom components (#2766) (7a19c50)
- DataTable: introduce expand all (#2688) (8a20ff2), closes #679
- downshift: allow passing additional props to Downshift (#2726) (a5601a7)
- text input and textarea character limit counter (#2745) (919ba2e)
- notification: introduce high contrast style (#2814) (47ca93d), closes #2354
- react/css-prefix: removed hardcoded css-prefix (#2690) (a1eb0fa)
- tooltip: introduce alignment (#2732) (6f7183e), closes #2678
- tooltip: introduce center/right alignment (#2663) (7681dc7), closes #2604
- ui-shell: design updates to ui shell global header (#2741) (4f7aad5)