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Carbon Charts

Carbon Charts Svelte

A component library of 26 charts for Svelte 5.20+ and SvelteKit (optionally).

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Maintenance & support

These Svelte components were developed by Eric Liu and Nate Stuyvesant.

Please direct all questions regarding support, bug fixes and feature requests to @nstuyvesant and @metonym.

Getting started

Run the following command using npm:

npm install -D @carbon/charts-svelte@next

If you prefer Yarn, use the following command instead:

yarn add -D @carbon/charts-svelte@next

The required styles should be imported from @carbon/charts-svelte/styles.css.

Breaking Change

This release is for Svelte 5.20+ ONLY as it uses runes mode and passing of callback functions as properties in place of event handlers. If you need support for Svelte 3 or 4, please use the latest.


While this component library can be used with any build environments for Svelte, SvelteKit is the official framework for building Svelte apps supporting client and server-side rendering (SSR). SvelteKit is powered by Vite.

The module @carbon/charts should not be externalized for SSR when building for production.

// vite.config.ts
import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite'
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'

export default defineConfig({
	plugins: [sveltekit()],
	ssr: {
		noExternal: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' ? ['@carbon/charts'] : []

Circular dependency warnings

You may see circular dependency warnings for d3 packages. These can be safely ignored.


Styles must be imported from @carbon/charts-svelte/styles.css or @carbon/charts-svelte/scss.

import '@carbon/charts-svelte/styles.css'


	import '@carbon/charts-svelte/styles.css'
	import { BarChartSimple } from '@carbon/charts-svelte'

		{ group: 'Qty', value: 65000 },
		{ group: 'More', value: 29123 },
		{ group: 'Sold', value: 35213 },
		{ group: 'Restocking', value: 51213 },
		{ group: 'Misc', value: 16932 }
		theme: 'g90',
		title: 'Simple bar (discrete)',
		height: '400px',
		axes: {
			left: { mapsTo: 'value' },
			bottom: { mapsTo: 'group', scaleType: 'labels' }
	}} />

Lifecycle callbacks

Chart components fire the following callbacks:

  • onload: When the chart is instantiated
  • onupdate: When data or options are updated
  • ondestroy: When the component is unmounted and the chart is destroyed
<BarChartSimple {data} {options} {onload} {onupdate} {ondestroy} />

Dynamic import

Dynamically importing a chart within onMount() avoids issues with server-side rendering (SSR). The reason @carbon/charts-svelte does not work with SRR is because its dependency @carbon/charts expects the window object to be present for fullscreen display.

	import '@carbon/charts-svelte/styles.css'
	import { onMount } from 'svelte'

	let Chart = $state()

	onMount(async () => {
		const charts = await import('@carbon/charts-svelte')
		Chart = charts.BarChartSimple

		{ group: 'Qty', value: 65000 },
		{ group: 'More', value: 29123 },
		{ group: 'Sold', value: 35213 },
		{ group: 'Restocking', value: 51213 },
		{ group: 'Misc', value: 16932 }
		theme: 'white',
		title: 'Simple bar (discrete)',
		height: '400px',
		axes: {
			left: { mapsTo: 'value' },
			bottom: { mapsTo: 'group', scaleType: 'labels' }
	}} />

Event listeners

In this example, an event listener is attached to the BarChartSimple component that fires when hovering over a bar.

	import '@carbon/charts-svelte/styles.css'
	import { onMount } from 'svelte'
	import { BarChartSimple } from '@carbon/charts-svelte'

	let chart = $state()

	function barMouseOver(e) {

	onMount(() => {'bar-mouseover', barMouseOver)

		return () => {
			chart?'bar-mouseover', barMouseOver)

		{ group: 'Qty', value: 65000 },
		{ group: 'More', value: 29123 },
		{ group: 'Sold', value: 35213 },
		{ group: 'Restocking', value: 51213 },
		{ group: 'Misc', value: 16932 }
		title: 'Simple bar (discrete)',
		height: '400px',
		axes: {
			left: { mapsTo: 'value' },
			bottom: { mapsTo: 'group', scaleType: 'labels' }
	}} />

Enums and types

For your convenience, enums and types from @carbon/charts are re-exported from @carbon/charts-svelte.

import { ScaleTypes, type BarChartOptions } from '@carbon/charts-svelte'

const options: BarChartOptions = {
	title: 'Simple bar (discrete)',
	height: '400px',
	axes: {
		left: { mapsTo: 'value' },
		bottom: {
			mapsTo: 'group',
			scaleType: ScaleTypes.LABELS

Component props

Use the ComponentProps utility type from svelte to extract the props for chart components.

You can then use an indexed access type to extract types for individual properties.

import type { ComponentProps } from 'svelte'
import { BarChartSimple } from '@carbon/charts-svelte'
import { options } from './options'
import { data } from './data'

// Errors if these aren't the correct props expected by BarChartSimple
const props: ComponentProps<typeof BarChartSimple> = { options, data }

IBM Telemetry IBM Telemetry

This package uses IBM Telemetry to collect de-identified and anonymized metrics data. By installing this package as a dependency you are agreeing to telemetry collection. To opt out, see Opting out of IBM Telemetry data collection. For more information on the data being collected, please see the IBM Telemetry documentation.