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177 lines (151 loc) · 6.73 KB

File metadata and controls

177 lines (151 loc) · 6.73 KB

Card Serialization and Deserialization

flowchart TB

    A[Card Instance] --> |serializeCard| B[LooseSingleCardDocument]
    B --> C
    E[LooseCardResource] -->|createFromSerialized| A
    C[JSON Storage on Realm Server] --> E

    style A fill:#63a45b
    style B fill:#3498DB
    style C fill:#cc3e33
    style E fill:#3498DB

Card Serialization and Deserialization are crucial processes that enable smooth conversion of card data between JSON format and actual card instances. This transformation is necessary to save card data persistently on the realm server in JSON format, while also facilitating its presentation to users through browser-rendered card instances. The following is an illustration of the JSON structure of a card:

  "data": {
    "type": "card",
    "attributes": {
      "title": "Gore Mountain Ski Trip",
      "venue": "Gore Mountain",
      "startTime": "2023-02-18T10:00:00.000Z",
      "endTime": "2023-02-19T02:00:00.000Z",
      "hosts": [
          "firstName": "Hassan",
          "lastName": "Abdel-Rahman",
          "isCool": false,
          "isHuman": false
          "firstName": "Mango",
          "lastName": "Abdel-Rahman",
          "isCool": false,
          "isHuman": false
      "sponsors": ["Burton", "Spy Optics"]
    "relationships": {
      "": {
        "links": {
          "self": null
      "": {
        "links": {
          "self": null
    "meta": {
      "adoptsFrom": {
        "module": "../booking",
        "name": "Booking"

Several key aspects need attention within the JSON structure above. Primarily, the adoptsFrom section holds the file path of the card definition, which subsequently initializes the card instance. Additionally, the attributes section contains values for the contains/containsMany fields within the card class, while the relationships section houses values for the linksTo/linksToMany fields.

Card Serialization

As previously mentioned, the persistent storage of card data in JSON format on the realm server necessitates serialization. This process involves capturing two pivotal elements: the card type (or class) for constructing the adoptsFrom property, and the values associated with each field to assemble the attributes and relationships.

The mechanism employed for this procedure is facilitated by the serializeCard function. This function accepts a card instance as input and generates an output of the LooseSingleCardDocument type. The structure of the LooseSingleCardDocument slightly differs from the JSON format stored in the file. Within the LooseSingleCardDocument, there exists an included property. This property holds objects representing all cards referenced in the relationships, and it proves instrumental in the subsequent deserialization process. The serialization process entails traversing all card fields and extracting values from the data bucket. The representation of field values varies based on specific conditions. It's important to emphasize that only the values of non-computed fields will be extracted, as computed values will be computed anew during the deserialization process.

  • contains Field: Values can be single primitive types or JSON objects. If the field comprises a non-primitive card, it will be represented as a JSON object within the attributes field.


  "data": {
    "type": "card",
    "attributes": {
        "title": "Gore Mountain Ski Trip",
  "data": {
    "type": "card",
    "attributes": {
        "host": {
            "firstName": "Hassan",
            "lastName": "Abdel-Rahman",
            "isCool": false,
            "isHuman": false
  • containsMany Field: Values can be arrays of primitive types or JSON arrays. Similar to contains, if the field involves a non-primitive card, it becomes a JSON array within the attributes field.


  "data": {
    "type": "card",
    "attributes": {
        "sponsors": ["Burton", "Spy Optics"],
  • linksTo Field: Unlike contains/containsMany fields, the field value isn't stored directly. Instead, the JSON file's file path is saved. The file path is extracted from the ID of the field value. The relativeTo value is employed to determine whether the URL is relative or absolute.


  "data": {
    "type": "card",
    "relationships": {
      "friend": {
        "links": {
          "self": "../Friend/1"
  • linksToMany Field: Similar to linksTo fields, the value of this field is displayed as a file path. However, the value is not an array; instead, it's an object where index numbers are included in the property names.


  "data": {
    "type": "card",
    "relationships": {
      "friends.0": {
        "links": {
          "self": "../Friend/1"
      "friends.1": {
        "links": {
          "self": "../Friend/2"

Card Deserialization

Users interact with cards through a web browser, with the card components being rendered by the host application. The host application retrieves card components by deserializing JSON format into card instances and then storing the values of each field in the data bucket.

The process is facilitated by the createFromSerialized function. This function takes a LooseCardResource as input, creates a card instance based on the data in the adoptsFrom property, and determines the file's URL by combining it with the relativeTo value. Subsequently, the function extracts field values from both attributes and relationships, placing them into the data bucket. Computed fields, on the other hand, remain uncalculated until non-computed values are available.

  • contains Field: Values are stored within the data bucket, which functions as a map linking field names to their respective values. The content of 'contains' fields comprises a singular value. This value can be either a primitive value or a card instance, contingent on the card type assigned to that field.
  • containsMany Field: The values within this field consist of an array, which can encompass either an array of primitive values or an array of card instances.
  • linksTo Field: The values associated with the linksTo field are exclusively card instances. This is because linked fields refer to other card instances. A crucial distinction between card instances in linked fields and those in contained fields lies in their identity – card instance values within linked fields possess identity.
  • linksToMany Field: This field's value takes the form of an array of card instances.