It is the "static-site" template used by the Carolina CLI.
It is a starter template for a static site generation project. It supports having multiple sites with various themes. It is primarily focused on building blogs or content-based web pages. Support for "books" is experimental.
Use this repository as a starting point for a static sites project.
Via Carolina
carolina new static-site {dirName}
Via Git
git clone {dirName}
After pulling the repository, navigated into the new directory and run
npm i
to install dependencies.
You should also create a directory called "out".
This starts with a project called "blog". To test it out, run node build blog
This will create the output directory out/blog/
To test it out in the browser, it is recommended that you globally
install http-server
# install http-server globally if you don't have it
npm i -g http-server
# This will server the output directory at http://localhost:8080/
http-server ./out/blog/
For more details see the docs.
This is the documentation files for this repository.
This directory contains js files used by the build process for making the output.
This is where your output project will go when you run the build process.
Place your projects here. This repository comes with a sample project called blog, but you can have any number of projects.
A reference file for the template hierarchy.
Themes go in here. Directories starting with an underscore are not themes,
and directories ending in _book
are special themes just for book projects.
This is the file to run to execute the build process.
node build <projectName>
Guide to contributing and updating this repo.
- John F Marion