Prerender templates are Pug Templates
located in the app's prerender/pug/
They will be used for generating public files when node build
is run.
To specifiy the prerender job for your app, define a prerender/config.js
It should export an object with two keys:
: Data that will be passed asprerenderData
to the pug process for all files in the job.prerenderFiles
: A list of prerender orders, each with the following keys:in
: The pug template to use (ie,home/index.pug
: The file to be written to the app's public folder (ie,index.html
: An object to be passed aslocalData
to the pug process for this specific file.
All pug templates will be copied over to the .prerender/
directory for the
site. For example apps/blog/prerender/pug/post.pug
will be copied to
(and would be referenced in a prerender config
as blog/post.pug
). All pug includes and extensons should bear the
compile-time location in mind. This step facilitates including and
extending templates across apps.
Also note that files will be overwritten in the build process. For example,
if a prerender job for a "blog" app specifies an output to index.html
the file apps/blog/public/index.html
will be overwritten.