I’d like to see (and maybe start working on) a blueprint that replicates the WordPress devhub for a custom plugin. As a real use-case I’d like to explore creating developer.gatherpress.org with the phpdoc-parser running against the plugin code of GatherPress.
- New developer.gatherpress.org · Issue #1 · carstingaxion/gatherpress-devhub
- WordPress devhub blueprint · Issue #44 · WordPress/blueprints
- Needs to run php 7.4
- Activate Posts-to-Posts after phpdoc-parser, because of clashing dependencies
- Running the parser in this order results in destroyed
.Running it in the opposite order, only destroys the source for the alpha-main plugin.{ "step": "wp-cli", "command": "wp parser create '/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/gatherpress' --user=1" }, { "step": "wp-cli", "command": "wp parser create '/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/gatherpress-alpha-main' --user=1" },