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ChurchCRM Docker Setup

This repository contains the necessary configuration files to set up ChurchCRM using Docker.

What is ChurchCRM?

ChurchCRM is an open-source project that help churches management in some branches, as financial, events, sunday school, volunteer work and more.

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.

  2. Copy the .env.example file to a new file named .env.

  3. Update the .env file with your specific settings. Be sure to change all the placeholder values, especially the MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD, MYSQL_PASSWORD, and REDIS_PASSWORD.

  4. Run the following commands to build and start the Docker containers:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up


The tags used here follow the same version from ChurchCRM. So, if you want to use ChurchCRM v5.4.3, you'll need to pull image tagged as 5.4.3. The most recent version tagged here is also tagged as latest, making our lifes easier.


docker-compose.yml: This file defines the Docker services, networks, and volumes. It includes the ChurchCRM application, a MariaDB database, and a Redis instance for session handling.

60-churchcrm: This is a script that sets up the ChurchCRM application. It downloads the latest release from the ChurchCRM GitHub repository, extracts it, and configures it with the settings from the .env file.

.env.example: This file contains example environment variables for the Docker services. Copy this file to .env and update the values before starting the Docker containers. THIS FILE CONTAINS DEFAULT VALUES AND YOU MUST TO CHANGE IT BEFORE START USING THIS IMAGE.


The Docker setup includes a volume named churchcrm-files for persistent storage of ChurchCRM files. This volume is mounted to several directories in the ChurchCRM container. Also, there's another volume called churchcrm-db, to store database.


The ChurchCRM application is accessible at port 8080 on the host machine and can be changed for any port you want. The Redis service is accessible at port 6379.


Please ensure to use secure, random passwords in the .env file for production deployments.


This repo is based on work of original work from @DawoudIO, on original repo for ChurchCRM Docker. All I done here it's only update and improve his original work.

If you can, pay them a coffee and try to help ChurchCRM project with something (like translations, documentation, etc).


Following original repo of ChurchCRM, this repo has MIT License. You can read the license here.

Known issues

  • using docker-compose makes UI of app shows lack of integrityCheck.json file. This error doesn't occur using only Dockerfile, so I need to investigate better.