App Configuration is handled through the server/.env file in the base directory.
- NODE_ENV=[production|test] Use specified configuration
- DB_CLIENT=[mysql|pg|sqlite3] Use specified DB client
- JWT_SECRET=[string] Use some unique string for js web token
- SENDGRID_API_KEY=[string] SendGrid API Key
- ADMIN_EMAIL=[string] Initial Admin Email added to DB
- ADMIN_PASSWORD=[string] Initial Admin Password
- LOGO_URL=[string] URL to a logo for the email header
- DB_MYSQL_HOST=[string] DB host IP
- DB_MYSQL_USER=[string] Mysql User (root)
- DB_MYSQL_PASSWORD=[string] Mysql User Password
- DB_MYSQL_DB=[string] Mysql DB Name
- DB_MYSQL_SSL_CA=[./lib/ssl/server-ca.pem] Location of SSL key
- DB_MYSQL_SSL_KEY=[./lib/ssl/client-key.pem] Location of SSL key
- DB_MYSQL_SSL_CERT=[./lib/ssl/client-cert.pem] Location of SSL key
- DB_PG_CONNECTION=[string] PG connection string
- DB_SQLITE3_FILENAME=[./weeklyroundup.sqlite] Location of sqlite3 file with host config
- TEST_DB_MYSQL_HOST=[] local DB host IP
- TEST_DB_MYSQL_USER=[string] Mysql User (root)
- TEST_DB_MYSQL_PASSWORD=[string] Mysql User Password
- TEST_DB_MYSQL_DB=[string] Mysql DB Name
- TEST_DB_MYSQL_SSL_CA=[./lib/ssl/server-ca.pem] Location of SSL key
- TEST_DB_MYSQL_SSL_KEY=[./lib/ssl/client-key.pem] Location of SSL key
- TEST_DB_MYSQL_SSL_CERT=[./lib/ssl/client-cert.pem] Location of SSL key
- TEST_DB_PG_CONNECTION=[string] PG connection string
- TEST_DB_SQLITE3_FILENAME=[./weeklyroundup.sqlite] Location of sqlite3 file with host config
- Initialize DB - Create DB (remotely or locally) using whichever service you desire (MySQL, Postgres, SQLLite3). Create a database with the desired named (ex: 'weeklyroundup').
- Configure WeeklyRoundup - Take note of the newly created DB host, user, password, db name, and SSL certs (if applicable), and add to the test configuration in the server/.env file.
- Start Server - Make sure NODE_ENV=test, navigate to the server/ directory, and run the command 'npm start'.
- Start Client - Navigate to the client/ directory, and run the command 'npm start'.
- Initialize DB - Create DB (remotely or locally) using whichever service you desire (MySQL, Postgres, SQLLite3). Create a database with the desired named (ex: 'weeklyroundup').
- Configure WeeklyRoundup - Take note of the newly created DB host, user, password, db name, and SSL certs (if applicable), and add to the production configuration in the server/.env file.
- Push Docker Build - Using docker, push the build to your server. Make sure NODE_ENV=production if you're pushing to a production server.