import { Meta } from '@storybook/addon-docs';
import { Alert } from '../../components'; import { Header } from '../shared' import { StyledDivExample } from './styles' import EvaluationForm from '../../stories/shared/EvaluationForm'
Breakpoints - Quantum provides a breakpoints object to use with styled components.You can create different styled rules following Quantum breakpoints.
Firstly, import BREAKPOINTS
from shared
. Second
import query
function from Grid
import BREAKPOINTS from '@catho/quantum/shared/breakpoints';
import { query } from '@catho/quantum/Grid/sub-components/shared';
Create a constant variable calling query
as parameter. Then, create a styled component
and introduce the variable. In this example, we will use a div
The variable provides min-widths
media queries with the following sizes:
- small: 600px
- medium: 1024px
- large: 1440px
In each resolution we will change the div background color:
- Blue color for
resolution. - Green color for
resolution. - Black color for
const mediaQueries = query(BREAKPOINTS);
const StyledDiv = styled.div`
padding: 15px 20px;
color: white;
background-color: red;
background-color: blue;
background-color: green;
background-color: black;
Test the div in different sizes:
Test me in different sizes =)