import { Meta, Story } from '@storybook/addon-docs';
import Header from '../shared/Header'; import { ExampleIcons, ExampleIncorrectIcons } from './ExampleIcons'; import Catalogue from './Catalogue'; import EvaluationForm from '../../stories/shared/EvaluationForm'
Quantum uses MUI, with beautifully crafted symbols for common actions and items.It's structured with these ones:
import Icon from '@catho/quantum/Icon';
You need to import the typography to include icon fonts.
<Icon name="info" size="small" />,
<Icon name="info" />,
<Icon name="info" size="large" />,
<Icon name="clear" />
<Icon name="search" />
<Icon name="error" />
<Icon name="visibility_off" />
<Icon name="visibility" />
<Icon name="check_box" />
<Icon name="emoji_people" skin={colors.primary['900']} />
<Icon name="emoji_people" skin={colors.secondary['900']} />
<Icon name="emoji_people" skin={colors.primary['700']} />
<Icon name="emoji_people" skin={colors.warning['900']} />
<Icon name="emoji_people" skin={colors.error['300']} />
<Icon name="emoji_people" skin={colors.error['300']} size="large" />
If the string passed in the Icon
is unavailable in the style guide
catalog, it is going to display only the string wrapped in a span
element and no icon will render.
<Icon name="bike" />
<Icon name="emoji_smile" skin={colors.primary['900']} />