AI Marketer is an AI-enabled marketing analytics tool that uses only a few clicks to generate insightful data. Its for online marketer to analyze marketing data by AI & ML algorithms without a single-line of code.
By using our preset marketing task, you can get answer from unstructured data in numbers, text, tables, and charts.
streamlit run
python -m streamlit run
To help marketer with no statistic / data analytics background to analyze data and handling routine marketing task in just a few clicks
AI Marketer is a non-profit open-source project, we build AI Marketer with a lot of help from other open source packages :
Streamlit (
PyCaret (
Transformers (
Bertopic (
Prophet (
SpaCy (
Top2Vec (
Google Trans (
Plotly (
Super Chain (
LAU, Ching Ming, Samuel (Github : samuellau0802)
Motaz Saidani (Github : Motaz-Saidani)
We welcome your contribution anytime
Please feel free to contact us at :