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Computation As Graphs

KaizenFlow computing


KaizenFlow is a computing framework to build and test AI/machine learning models that can run:

  • Without any changes in batch (i.e., historical) vs streaming mode (i.e., real-time)
  • Without any changes between replayed simulation (where events from a real or synthetic execution are played back) vs real-time (where the events are coming from a real-world time source)
  • At different abstraction levels to trade off timing accuracy and speed, e.g.,
    • Timed (aka event-accurate) simulation
    • Non-timed (aka vectorized) simulation

The working principle underlying DataFlow is to run a model in terms of time slices of data so that both batch/historical and streaming/real-time semantics can be accommodated without any change in the model description.

Some of the advantages of the DataFlow approach are:

  • Adapt a procedural description of a model to a reactive/streaming semantic
  • Tiling to fit in memory
  • Cached computation
  • A clear timing semantic, which includes support for knowledge time and detection of future peeking
  • Ability to replay and debug model executions

DAG Node

A DAG Node is a unit of computation in the DataFlow model.

A DAG Node has:

  • Inputs
  • Outputs
  • A unique node id (aka nid)
  • A (optional) state Inputs and outputs to a DAG Node are dataframes (represented as Pandas dataframes). DAG node uses the inputs to compute the output (e.g., using Pandas and Sklearn libraries). A DAG node can execute in multiple "phases", referred to through the corresponding methods called on the DAG (e.g., fit, predict, save_state, load_state). A DAG node stores an output value for each output and method name.

TODO(gp): circle with inputs and outputs

DAG node examples

Examples of operations that may be performed by nodes include:

  • Loading data (e.g., market or alternative data)
  • Resampling data bars (e.g., OHLCV data, tick data in finance)
  • Computing rolling average (e.g., TWAP/VWAP, volatility of returns)
  • Adjusting returns by volatility
  • Applying EMAs (or other filters) to signals
  • Performing per-feature operations, each requiring multiple features
  • Performing cross-sectional operations (e.g., factor residualization, Gaussian ranking)
  • Learning/applying a machine learning model (e.g., using sklearn)
  • Applying custom (user-written) functions to data

Further examples include nodes that maintain relevant trading state, or that interact with an external environment:

  • Updating and processing current positions
  • Performing portfolio optimization
  • Generating trading orders
  • Submitting orders to an API

DataFlow model. A DataFlow model (aka DAG) is a direct acyclic graph composed of DataFlow nodes

It allows to connect, query the structure, ...

Running a method on a DAG means running that method on all its nodes in topological order, propagating values through the DAG nodes.

TODO(gp): Add picture.

DagConfig. A Dag can be built assembling Nodes using a function representing the connectivity of the nodes and parameters contained in a Config (e.g., through a call to a builder DagBuilder.get_dag(config)).

A DagConfig is hierarchical and contains one subconfig per DAG node. It should only include Dag node configuration parameters, and not information about Dag connectivity, which is specified in the Dag builder part.

DataFrame as unit of computation

The basic unit of computation of each node is a "dataframe". Each node takes multiple dataframes through its inputs, and emits one or more dataframes as outputs.

In mathematical terms, a DataFrame can be described as a two-dimensional labeled data structure, similar to a matrix but with more flexible features.

A DataFrame $\mathbf{df}$ can be represented as:

$$ \mathbf{df} = \left[ \begin{array}{cccc} a_{11} & a_{12} & \cdots & a_{1n} \\ a_{21} & a_{22} & \cdots & a_{2n} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ a_{m1} & a_{m2} & \cdots & a_{mn} \\ \end{array} \right] $$


  • $m$ is the number of rows (observations).
  • $n$ is the number of columns (variables).
  • $a_{ij}$ represents the element of the DataFrame in the $i$-th row and $j$-th column.

Some characteristics of dataframes are:

  1. Labeled Axes:

    • Rows and columns are labeled, typically with strings, but labels can be of any hashable type.
    • Rows are often referred to as indices and columns as column headers.
  2. Heterogeneous Data Types:

    • Each column $j$ can have a distinct data type, denoted as $dtype_j$
    • Common data types include integers, floats, strings, and datetime objects.
  3. Mutable Size:

    • Rows and columns can be added or removed, meaning the size of $mathbf{df}$ is mutable.
    • This adds to the flexibility compared to a traditional matrix.
  4. Alignment and Operations:

    • DataFrames support alignment and arithmetic operations along rows and columns.
    • Operations are often element-wise but can be customized with aggregation functions.
  5. Missing Data Handling:

    • DataFrames can contain missing data, denoted as NaN or a similar placeholder.
    • They provide tools to handle, fill, or remove missing data.

DAG execution

Simulation kernel

A computation graph is a directed graph where nodes represent operations or variables, and edges represent dependencies between these operations.

For example, in a computation graph for a mathematical expression, nodes would be operations like addition or multiplication, and edges would indicate which operations need to be completed before others.

KaizenFlow simulation kernel schedules nodes according to their dependencies.

Implementation of simulation kernel

The most general case of simulation consists of multiple loops:

  1. Multiple DAG computations, each one inferred through a config belonging to a list of configs describing the entire workload
  • Each DAG computation is independent, although pieces of computations can be common across the workload. These computations will be cached automatically as part of the framework execution
  1. For each simulation, multiple train/predict loops can represent different learning styles (e.g., in-sample vs out-of-sample, cross-validation, rolling window)

    • This accommodates nodes with state
  2. Each single DAG execution runs over a period of time

    • The time dimension is partitioned in tiles, as explained in other sections (see XYZ)
    • Note that tiles over time might overlap to accommodate the amount of memory needed by each node (see XYZ), thus each timestamp will be covered by at least tile. In the case of DAG nodes with no memory, then time is partitioned in non-overlapping tiles.
    • The tiling pattern over time doesn't affect the result as long as the system is properly designed (see XYZ)
  3. Each temporal slice can be computed in terms of multiple sections across the horizontal dimension of the dataframe inputs

    • This is constrained by nodes that compute features cross-sectionally, which require the entire space slice to be computed at once
  4. Finally a topological sorting based on the specific DAG connectivity is performed in order to execute nodes in the proper order

Note that it is possible to represent all the above constraints in a single "scheduling graph" and use this graph to schedule executions in a global fashion.

Parallelization across CPUs comes naturally from the previous approach, since computations that are independent in the scheduling graph can be executed in parallel.

Incremental and cached computation is built-in in the scheduling algorithm since it's possible to memoize the output by checking for a hash of all the inputs and of the code in each node.

Even though the computation DAG is required to have no loops, a System (see XYZ) can have components introducing loops in the computation (e.g., a Portfolio component in a trading system, where a DAG computes forecasts which are acted upon based on the available funds). In this case, the simulation kernel needs to enforce dependencies in the time dimension.

Nodes ordering for execution

TODO(gp, Paul): Extend this to the multiple loop.

Topological sorting is a linear ordering of the vertices of a directed graph such that for every directed edge from vertex u to vertex v, u comes before v in the ordering. This sorting is only possible if the graph has no directed cycles, i.e., it must be a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG).

def topological_sort(graph):
    visited = set()
    post_order = []

    def dfs(node):
        if node in visited:
        for neighbor in graph.get(node, []):

    for node in graph:

    return post_order[::-1]  # Reverse the post-order to get the topological order

Heuristics for splitting code in nodes

There are degrees of freedom in splitting the work between various nodes of a graph E.g., the same DataFlow computation can be described with several nodes or with a single node containing all the code

The trade-off is often between several metrics:

  • Observability
    • More nodes make it easier to:
      • Observe and debug intermediate the result of complex computation
      • Profile graph executions to understand performance bottlenecks
  • Latency/throughput
    • More nodes:
      • Allow for better caching of computation
      • Allow for smaller incremental computation when only one part of the inputs change
      • Prevent optimizations performed across nodes
      • Incur in more simulation kernel overhead for scheduling
      • Allow more parallelism between nodes being extracted and exploited
  • Memory consumption
    • More nodes:
      • Allow to partition the computation in smaller chunks requiring less working memory

A possible heuristics is to start with smaller nodes, where each node has a clear function, and then merge nodes if this is shown to improve performance