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Timing Semantic And Clocks

Time semantics

Time semantics. Any DataFlow component can be executed in real-time or simulated accounting for different ways to represent the passing of time.

E.g., it can be simulated depending on how data is delivered to the system

  • A streaming (aka timed simulation according to knowledge time) or
  • Batch (non-timed simulation, with different tile chunking)

Clock. A function that reports the current timestamp. There are 3 versions of clock:

  1. Static clock. A clock that remains the same during a system run.

    a. Future peeking is allowed

  2. Replayed clock. A moving clock that can be in the past or future with respect to a real clock

    a. Use time passing at the same pace of real-time wall-clock or

    b. Simulate time based on events, e.g., as soon as the workload corresponding to one timestamp is complete we move to the next timestamp, without waiting for the actual time to pass

    c. Future peeking is technically possible but is prohibited

  3. Real clock. The wall-clock time matches what we observe in real-life, data is provided to processing units as it is produced by systems.

    a. Future peeking is not possible in principle

Knowledge time. It is the time when data becomes available (e.g., downloaded or computed) to a system. Each row of data is tagged with the corresponding knowledge time. Data with knowledge time after the current clock time must not be observable in order to avoid future peeking.

Timed simulation. Sometimes referred to as historical, vectorized, bulk, batch simulation. In a timed simulation the data is provided with a clock that reports the current timestamp. Data with knowledge time after the current timestamp must not be observable in order to avoid future peeking.

TODO(gp): Add an example of df with forecasts explaining the timing

Non-timed simulation. (Sometimes referred to as event-based, reactive simulation). Clock type is "static clock". Typically wall-clock time is a timestamp that corresponds to the latest knowledge time (or greater) in a dataframe. In this way all data in a dataframe is available because every row has a knowledge time that is less than or equal to the wall-clock time. Note that the clock is static, i.e. not moving. In a non-timed simulation, the data is provided in a dataframe for the entire period of interest.

E.g., for a system predicting every 5 mins, all the input data are equally spaced on a 5-min grid and indexed with knowledge time.

TODO(gp): Add an example of df with forecasts explaining the timing

df["c"] = (df["a"] + df["b"]).shift(1)

Real-time execution. In real-time the clock type is "real clock".

E.g., for a system predicting every 5 mins, one forecast is delivered every 5 mins of wall-clock.

TODO(Grisha): add an example.

Replayed simulation. In replayed simulation, the data is provided in the same "format" and with the same timing as it would be provided in real-time, but the clock type is "replayed clock".

How clock is handled

Asynchronous mode

  • In asynchronous mode there are multiple things happening at the same time
    • E.g., DAG computes, orders are sent to the market, some components wait
  • It is implemented using Python asyncio
    • In general one should need multiple CPUs to simulate/execute a truly asynchronous system
    • E.g, one CPU executes/simulates the DAG, another CPU executes/simulates the Portfolio, etc.

Synchronous mode

  • In synchronous mode only one thing happens at the same time
    • E.g., executing a piece of code using Pandas

Async vs sync simulation

  • We can simulate the same system in sync or async mode

  • Sync

    • The DAG computes
    • Passes the df to OMS
    • The OMS executes orders, updates the Portfolio, ...
  • Async

    • Create different objects that are always active and need to block on each other
    • Under certain constraints (e.g., when I/O overlaps with computation) a single CPU can run/simulate a truly asynchronous system

Some cross-products of the 3 directions

  • Not all the combinations are possible of mixing:

    • Historical vs replayed vs real-time
    • Reference vs mocked vs implemented
    • Async vs sync
  • The execution of a DAG can be historical + synchronous

    • We feed the entire history of data as a single DataFrame
    • The computation is vectorized and synchronous (in one shot)
  • The execution of a DAG can be replayed and async

    • The DAG waits for new data to come in
    • 5-mins of (historical) data arrives every 5 minutes
    • The computation is carried out only for that period of time
    • The DAG goes back to waiting
  • The execution of a DAG can be real-time and async

    • Same as above but the data comes from a real-time source (e.g., DB)

A system is composed of

  • Intermediate step: RT / Mocked EG

  • RT / EG

  • We have the part that places orders

  • We don't have the part that reads the state back

) Historical / EG

  • We can't do this since they don't provide the right interface

6) Historical / Mocked EG

  • It is possible

  • INV: portfolio persists across invocations of place_orders() in RT mode

  • It doesn't make a difference for batch mode, since there is a single invocation of place_orders

  • INV: portfolio is created and passed inside the config. It doesn't need to be passed back since the "pointer" to it is passed back-and-forth

  • For batch mode, we have all the forecasts (they are computed in one shot) the Portfolio can be populated with all the trades and then discarded.

  • In fact we have a loop that does exactly that

  • We can run the portfolio in "debug mode" where we have a precomputed df

Research mode

  • Run the DAG without process_forecast
  • Save ResultBundles
  • Use the notebook to read the ResultBundle and compute pnl
  • "Research pnl" is the pnl we compute from the research mode
    • Dot product + volatility normalization + target GMV + other magic
    • TODO(Paul): to formally defined

Real-time mode

  • Run DAG one step at the time using RealTimeDataSource and MarketDataInterface
  • Save ResultBundle / intermediate state
  • Compute rolling pnl


  • Do all the predictions and then run the SimulatedPortfolio (DataFramePortfolio) one step at the time
  • Maybe useful for "looping" around the Optimizer


  • Evaluating a model requires computing forecasts and then the corresponding PnL

Forecast flow

  • = compute forecasts from data using the DAG
  • It can be historical, replayed, real-time
  • The outcome is a data frame with all the forecasts

Pnl (profit and loss) flow

  • = given forecasts and prices compute the corresponding PnL
  • It can be computed using:
    • Dot product approach (pnl = \sum f^T \dot rets_{t-2})
    • Prices and positions
      • Without Portfolio and Broker, but a simplified approach
    • Order by order
      • Using Portfolio and Broker

Some configurations are used more often than others, and so we give them a specific name

Research flow

  • = historical flow for computing + dot product
  • We use it to assess the presence of alpha

Real-time flow

  • All components are:
    • Vendor-specific implemented (e.g., TalosImClient, TalosBroker)
    • Executed in real-time and asynchronous