An open-source Final Fantasy 7 walkthrough built for fun and for the community.
I originally started writing this guide as my own personal set of notes when I first started playing Final Fantasy 7 in the 90s. Over time I've found additional pieces online to bolster it. I've been hanging on to this for a while and I thought that whilst I couldn't bring myself to delete it to free up storage, I thought it could go into the public domain and maybe others might want to help grow it.
I'm really interested in the lore of Final Fantasy so I would like to build this up to include the story.
This walkthrough and story guide has been written using Markdown Language and is hosted on Github. Using Github actions the markdown scripts are then built into a website located here.
In order to edit the walkthrough and story guide, edit the files here
Please feel free to make pull requests. I'm currently building up a template structure at the moment while I figure things out.