Repository for miscellaneous bioinformatics scripts that may be useful to others.
Converts a file in MAF format (e.g., from TCGA mutation calling) into the Annovar input format.
Compatible with Python 2 and 3; no external dependencies.
usage: [-h] [-d] -m MAF_FILE [-v]
Convert a MAF file to Annovar input format.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --debug Enable debug output
-m MAF_FILE, --maf_file MAF_FILE
File in MAF format
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
Converts the genomic coordinates in an Annovar input file over to a new reference genome using the UCSC liftOver commandline tool.
Compatible with Python 2 and 3; depends on the pandas library.
This script requires a liftOver file in chain format that maps coordinates between the old and new reference genome. Chain files for many genomes are available from UCSC.
usage: [-h] [-d] [-v] -c CHAINFILE -i INFILE [-l LIFTOVER]
Lift over a file in Annovar format to a new reference genome. Extra columns are
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --debug enable debug mode
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
liftOver chain file (available from UCSC)
-i INFILE, --infile INFILE
file in Annovar input format (chromosome, start, end,
ref_allele, var_allele, ...)
-l LIFTOVER, --liftover LIFTOVER
path to the liftOver binary (default: system PATH)
-w WORKDIR, --workdir WORKDIR
work directory (default: directory containing INFILE)
This script has been renamed to tophat-recondition
and moved to its own repository here: