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Configuring SSL

Eva Myers edited this page Oct 15, 2024 · 3 revisions

Running On-Site WebCSD under SSL

SSL is now required and if it is unconfigured the server will use a built-in self-signed certificate which is insecure. To customise this, we recommend following a similar process to that described in the database configuration and user interface customisation sections, which is to store these settings in a separate docker-compose file. You can then include this file in your startup command.

To configure HTTPS, you will need to do the following:

  1. Obtain a certificate and store it in a folder that can be referenced in the volumes section (path/to/certificate).

  2. Rename the file docker-compose.sample.ssl.yml to docker-compose.ssl.yml.

  3. Update the csd-platform service in your docker-compose.ssl.yml file to configure HTTPS support. An example of what to add and in which section, is shown below:

      - /ccdc/on-site-webcsd/ssl/star.crt:/etc/nginx/ssl/server_cert.crt:ro
      - /ccdc/on-site-webcsd/ssl/star.key:/etc/nginx/ssl/server_key.key:ro