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Setting up CSD‐Theory Web

Dan Wickett edited this page Nov 1, 2024 · 10 revisions

Setting up CSD-Theory Web

This section of the wiki contains information on the setup options for CSD-Theory Web. CSD-Theory Web requires two databases:

  1. A CSD-Theory metadata database containing additional theoretical data. This must be named CSPDatabase.db. This is populated during the ingestion script.

  2. A CSD-Theory landscape database for initial searching of landscape structures, e.g. CSPLandscape.csdsqlx. This is populated during the ingestion script.

These two databases are used in conjunction to create the CSD-Theory charts and reports.

We have provided both a CSPDatabase.db and CSPLandscape.csdsqlx with an example landscape. You can use this to set up CSD-Theory before adding your own landscapes. Once you have ingested your landscapes you will need to remove the example landscape following the instructions further down the page.

Adding the CSD-Theory Landscape Database

Adding a CSD-Theory Metadata database (CSPDatabase.db) to the Server

  • Ensure you have copied the sample CSPDatabase.db from the /sample-data/ to your /csd-data/ folder and ensure the name is CSPDatabase.db.
  • Containers run as the ccdc user, so run sudo chown ccdc:ccdc on the CSPDatabase.db file which the server will edit when the ingestion script is run.
  • The WebCSD server must be running when you run the ingestion script.

Creating or Updating a CSD-Theory Landscape Database

To create or update a CSD-Theory Landscape Database, you will need the Python Utilities. These can be downloaded from the CCDC Downloads page under CSD Python API > Python CSD Python API Utilities, or by filling in the form to request download links.

Relevant scripts can be found under ccdc > utilities > csp.

Use the script to import the CIFs. This script can build a new database or update an existing one. Run the script as a user who can write to the csd-data directory.

argument description examples
landscape_database URL of the landscape database server (the same as the URL you use in your web browser)
structure_database crystal structure database (.csdsqlx).
Either point to an existing database via the filepath, or give it a name to build it directly.
cif_files CIF file(s) for structure(s) to be imported to the landscape and structure databases (.cif) E:\CSP_Upload\CSP_enriched_CIFs\singlestructurelandscape.cif
-n LANDSCAPE_NAME The name of the CSP landscape.
If not included, landscape name will be generated from the CIFs
-v, --validate Validate, rather than add, that the CIF files have been added to a CSP landscape

Some sample commands include:

Validate importing a single CIF into an existing database at : E:\CSP_Upload\existingLandscapeDatabaseName.csdsqlx E:\CSP_Upload\CSP_enriched_CIFs\singlestructurelandscape.cif -v

Import a folder of CIFs into a new database called "NewDatabase.csdsqlx" at, with landscape name “NewLandscape”: NewDatabase.csdsqlx E:\CSP_Upload\CSP_enriched_CIFs\*.cif -n NewLandscape

Adding the CSD-Theory Landscape Database to the Server

The CSD-Theory Landscape database needs to be added to the /csd-data/ folder.

If you are copying the database via an SCP command to transfer the file between a local host and a remote host, you may need to run chown on the /csd-data/ folder to change it to the owner who is running SCP, such as onsiteadmin.

Ensure once the SCP command or ingestion script run is complete, you change the owner of /csd-data/ and all databases inside back to ccdc. The user "ccdc" must have read access to any in-house or CSP databases, as indicated in link.

Mapping to the databases in docker-compose.database.yml

Start by taking down the instance of the WebCSD docker container and update the docker-compose.database.yml file. You can start from docker-compose.sample-csd-theory-db-config.yml. Updates should include:

Update locations and names in the the webcsdbackend volumes and environment sections, e.g.

      - ./csd-data/LandscapeDatabaseName.csdsqlx:/csd-data
      - ServiceSettings__Databases__2__Name=LandscapeDatabaseName
      - ServiceSettings__Databases__2__ConnectionString=/csd-data/LandscapeDatabaseName.csdsqlx
      - ServiceSettings__Databases__2__Speciality__0=CSP

the volumes of the webcsd-theory section and optional settings in the environment section (described below), e.g.

      - ./csd-data/CSPDatabase.db:/app/CSPDatabase.db
      - ./csd-data/LandscapeDatabaseName.csdsqlx:/app/databases/CSPLandscape.csdsqlx


       - ReportSettings__CspStructureDatabaseConnectionString=/app/databases/CSPLandscape.csdsqlx

       - ReverseProxy__Clusters__csdtheory__Destinations__csdtheory/destination1__Address=http://webcsd-theory:${WEBCSD_PORT}

Once you have edited and saved the docker-compose.database.yml file, restart the docker container. You should now be able to access all the basic CSD-Theory functionality.


If you wish to run reports, the Landscape Database needs to be mapped to CSPLandscape.csdsqlx and you need to include the ReportSettings environment information.

Ports other than 80

If you are running on a port other than 80, ensure the ConnectionString environment detail (ReverseProxy) includes the port information. Do not include a backslash on the CSP url.

Additional landscape analysis

Once a CSP landscape has been ingested into CSD-Theory there are additional steps that can be taken to add extra information.

Similarity heatplot

To compare structures within a landscape, the script will produce a heatplot showing the similarity between (up to) the 25 lowest energy structures. The script has a syntax

python http://my.landscape.server:12345 wonder_drug.csdsqlx wonder_drug --pxrd_threshold 0.98

This will run similar structures calculations in the CSP landscape wonder_drug. The optional argument --pxrd_threshold sets the PXRD similarity threshold.

Cross reference to experimental structures

Structures within a landscape can also be compared to experimental data from an in-house database. This requires the script with the syntax

python http://my.landscape.server:12345 wonder_drug.csdsqlx my_in-house_database.csdsql

This will cross reference all structures in the CSP database "wonder_drug" with observed structures in the my_inhouse_database of experimental structures. If no in-house database is referenced the script will run a comparison against the CSD.

Remove a landscape

You can remove a landscape by running the following Python script.

python http://my.landscape.server:12345/ wonder_drug.csdsqlx wonder_drug

More information on this script can be found in the CSD Python API documentation.