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Dan Wickett edited this page Nov 1, 2024 · 11 revisions

Contact support

If you experience any difficulties with installing or using On-Site WebCSD, please contact our support team at who will be happy to assist you.

Providing feedback

If you would like to provide some feedback our support team would be happy to hear from you at the above email address.

Offline Installation

This release will be only available online, if this is a problem please contact us. In the future we plan on supporting offline installs.

Licensing Options

As detailed in the main readme, the environment variable CCDC_LICENSING_CONFIGURATION needs to be set in the .env file. For best performance we recommend that this is set to use our standard node-locked licensing using this format (where 123456-123456-123456-123456-123456-123456 should be your node-locked licence activation key):


It is also possible to connect to your own local licence server


More details on the options available with the CCDC_LICENSING_CONFIGURATION environment variable can be found in the Installation Notes for the latest CSD Portfolio release in the Documentation section of the CCDC website.


How can I check which version of the images I am currently running?

docker compose images

Rollback in case of Update failure

If an update fails and you need to revert to the previous working version, follow the instructions in the Updates section with the <specific release tag> set to the previous version.

Viewing logs

To view the container logs, use the following command:

docker logs [OPTIONS] <CONTAINER>

For a list of containers, use the following command:

docker compose ps

For more information see the Docker documentation:

Testing connectivity to the postgres server

To test whether your WebCSD server can connect to your postgres server, run the following on the docker host.

# Pull postgres image
docker pull postgres:14.13
# Run container
docker run --name debug-postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password -d postgres:14.13
# Shell into container
docker exec -it debug-postgres sh
# Attempt to establish a connection to the database server
# Replace my.postgres.server by the hostname of your postgres server
psql -h my.postgres.server -p 5432 -U postgres -d csd-database

If all is well the response to the final command will be similar to

psql (14.13 (Ubuntu 14.13-1.pgdg20.04+1))
SSL connection (protocol: TLSv1.3, cipher: TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, bits: 256, compression: off)
Type "help" for help.

While the docker login command works I am unable to pull docker images and receive an error

If you receive an error like

ERROR: pull access denied for //, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied"

but the docker login command was successful then it is likely that you are using the main branch rather than a release. Please ensure you use the latest official release from

If you are unable to pull the public RabbitMQ image, you may be using an old version of Docker.