This release is coordinated with the release of Reaction v3.8.0, Example Storefront v3.1.0 and Reaction Identity v3.1.0 to keep the reaction-development-platform
up-to-date with the latest version of all our development platform projects.
This release is coordinated with the release of Reaction Admin v3.0.0-beta.7 to keep the reaction-development-platform
up-to-date with the latest version of all our development platform projects.
This release is coordinated with the release of Reaction v3.7.1 to keep the reaction-development-platform
up-to-date with the latest version of all our development platform projects.
This release is coordinated with the release of Reaction v3.7.0 to keep the reaction-development-platform
up-to-date with the latest version of all our development platform projects.
This release is coordinated with the release of Reaction v3.6.0 to keep the reaction-development-platform
up-to-date with the latest version of all our development platform projects.
This release is coordinated with the release of Reaction v3.5.0 and Reaction Admin v3.0.0-beta.6 to keep the reaction-development-platform
up-to-date with the latest version of all our development platform projects.
This release is coordinated with the release of Reaction v3.4.0 to keep the reaction-development-platform
up-to-date with the latest version of all our development platform projects.
This release bumps the version number differently than previous releases to make reaction-development-platform
compatible with the semantic-release
versioning style.
This release is coordinated with the release of Reaction v3.3.0 to keep the reaction-development-platform
up-to-date with the latest version of all our development platform projects.
This release is coordinated with the release of Reaction v3.2.0 to keep the reaction-development-platform
up-to-date with the latest version of all our development platform projects.
This release is coordinated with the release of Reaction v3.1.0 to keep the reaction-development-platform
up-to-date with the latest version of all our development platform projects.
This release is coordinated with the release of Reaction Admin v3.0.0-beta.5 to keep the reaction-development-platform
up-to-date with the latest version of all our development platform projects.
This is the v3.0.0 release of reaction-development-platform
. This project is designed to be quickest way to get started with the Reaction API and its supporting services in a local development environment.
The following Reaction projects are being released one time in coordination as v3.0.0
- Reaction API
- Reaction Hydra
- Reaction Identity
- Reaction Admin (beta)
- Example Storefront
- Reaction Development Platform
After this release, Reaction releases will no longer be coordinated across all projects - we'll release each project independently, as needed. This means version numbers will no longer be in sync. The newest versions of each project will work together.
This project, reaction-development-platform
, will always be updated when any other project is released to keep it in sync with the latest releases from all Reaction projects.
This is patch version update coordinated with Reaction, our Example Storefront and reaction-hydra.
This is minor version update coordinated with Reaction, our Example Storefront and reaction-hydra.
This is patch version update coordinated with Reaction, our Example Storefront and reaction-hydra.
This is minor version update coordinated with Reaction, our Example Storefront and reaction-hydra.
This is minor version update coordinated with Reaction, our Example Storefront and reaction-hydra.
This is minor version update coordinated with Reaction, our Example Storefront and reaction-hydra.
This is minor version update coordinated with Reaction, our Example Storefront and reaction-hydra.
This is minor version update coordinated with Reaction, our Example Storefront and reaction-hydra.
This is minor version update coordinated with Reaction, our Example Storefront and reaction-hydra.
This is a patch versioning release coordinated with Reaction, our Example Storefront and reaction-hydra.
This is a minor versioning release coordinated with Reaction, our Example Storefront and reaction-hydra.
This is a minor versioning release coordinated with Reaction, our Example Storefront and reaction-hydra.
This is our first release of Reaction Platform.
Reaction is API-first, real-time commerce engine built using Node.js, React, and GraphQL. It’s the second major release of our open source commerce software.
This release is coordinated with Reaction, our Example Storefront (previously Storefront Starter Kit) and reaction-hydra.
Reaction v2.0.0 is built as a truly headless commerce platform that decouples the Reaction backend services from the frontend. We’ve decoupled the storefront application from the API. Reaction platform now consists of the reaction
project, which is now primarily our GraphQL API, along with our Example Storefront, which integrates with the Reaction application via GraphQL API to provide a customer-facing storefront.
See this page for a non-comprehensive list of new and updated docs.
Some highlights:
- A Storefront UI Development guide answering "How do I build a storefront for Reaction or adapt my storefront to get its data from Reaction, without starting from an example app"
- Helpful info about GraphQL Resolvers and extending GraphQL to add a field
- A guide for “How To Extend the Product Schema”
Support for Windows.
is not compatible with Windows and has not been fully tested on Windows at this time.
MacOS and Linux are supported. Reaction will support development in a dockerized environment and will focus on tooling and documentation for installation and configuration on the macOS and Linux OSes.
We've adopted the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) in lieu of a Contributor License Agreement for all contributions to Reaction Commerce open source projects. We request that contributors agree to the terms of the DCO and indicate that agreement by signing all commits made to Reaction Commerce projects by adding a line with your name and email address to every Git commit message contributed:
Signed-off-by: Jane Doe <>
You can sign your commit automatically with Git by using git commit -s
if you have your
set as part of your Git configuration.
We ask that you use your real name (please no anonymous contributions or pseudonyms). By signing your commit you are certifying that you have the right have the right to submit it under the open source license used by that particular Reaction Commerce project. You must use your real name (no pseudonyms or anonymous contributions are allowed.)
We use the Probot DCO GitHub app to check for DCO signoffs of every commit. If you forget to sign your commits, the DCO bot will remind you and give you detailed instructions for how to amend your commits to add a signature.
We're following in the footsteps of several other open source projects in adopting the DCO such as Chef, Docker, and GitLab
We want to hear from you! Here are some good ways to get in touch.
- Want to request a new feature for Reaction? There’s now a Reaction repo just for new feature requests.
- Reaction engineers and community engineers and developers are always collaborating in our Gitter chat channel
- Ask Us Anything! Watch this space for details about an upcoming Community Q&A session with the Reaction team.
This is our fourth official release candidate for this project. This project should be considered pre-release until we've released the final 2.0.0 version.
This is our third official release candidate for this project. This project should be considered pre-release until we've released the final 2.0.0 version.
This is our second official release candidate for this project. This project should be considered pre-release until we've released the final 2.0.0 version.
This is our first official release candidate for this project - we're going to be synchronizing releases across the differents parts of the Reaction Commerce ecosystem, so that's why we're starting with rc.9. This project should be considered pre-release until we've released the final 2.0.0 version.