The package developed for this project is available inside the cdalvaro/
It contains packages for:
- Downloading data from Gaia DR2 database.
- Retrieving data from the PostgreSQL database.
- Making plots and graphics.
- Modeling data structures.
Data download can be started by running the following command:
(Docker is required for this purpose)
cd src
docker-compose up --detach
A PostgreSQL will be initiated and a container will start to download Gaia data.
gaia_downloader | INFO: Loading OpenClust catalogue ...
gaia_downloader | INFO: OpenClust catalogue loaded!
gaia_downloader | INFO: ⏱ Downloading Melotte 25 stars from Gaia DR2 ...
gaia_downloader | INFO: Query finished. [astroquery.utils.tap.core]
gaia_downloader | INFO: Downloaded 433996 stars for Melotte 25
The following environment variables can be established for tuning the downloader container:
Parameter | Description |
Gaia DR2 username for login into Disabled by default. |
Gaia DR2 password. Disabled by default. |
Jupyter Notebooks used for data analysing and model training are available inside the notebooks