is a service to manage users and privileges. Main feature are authority with access controller list (ACL) and company assignment as : main dealer, company, branch, region or kios.
- PHP 7.x
- CakePHP 4.x
- CodeCeption
- Redis
- MySQL 8
- JWT using jwt-framework
- docker
- composer
- JSON Schema
- Login
- Forgot Password
- Change Password
- Access Controller List
- Users
- Groups
- Employees
- Companies
- Regions
- Branches
- kios
- git clone
You can run api testing or integration testing by call php vendor/bin/codecept run
You alsa can to test manualy using postman
- Open your postman application
- Import file user-service.postman_collection.json
- Import file user-service.postman_environment.json
- Test all request
You can read API documentation and specification in doc directory.