Releases: cdisc-org/DDF-RA
Phase 3, GGG Approval Release
Post public review release. Comments from the public review have been incorporated. This is the version ready for GGG approval.
The release includes (DDF-RA issues) JIRA ticket references:
- Precise definition of the parameter maps (#327, #328, #329, #339, #344) JIRA-496, JIRA-508
- Further flexibility for codes within the route of, frequency and units of administrations (#325, #326, #346) JIRA-514, JIRA-517
- Consistency with names, description and labels for ScheduleInstances (#317, #318, #319, #320) JIRA-520
- Clarity around structured text syntax (#312) JIRA-520
- Controlled terminology and consistent approach wrt subject / participant in definitions (#301) JIRA-503
- Controlled terminology and updates to objective definitions (#310) JIRA-520
- Controlled terminology fixes and tweaks (#302, #338) JIRA-489, JIRA-490, JIRA-491, JIRA-492, JIRA-501, JIRA-506
- Fix relationship cardinality for Interventions (Quantity class) (#303, #304, #347) JIRA-519
- Fix planned sex relationship to optional in Study Population (#340, #341, #342)
- Add model version, system name and system version to API (#313, #349) JIRA-498, JIRA-520
- Update IG to define minimum API content (#315) JIRA-499, JIRA-500, JIRA-520
- Update IG to clarify Syntax Template syntax (#260) and JIRA-509
- Update IG to clarify Timing relationships JIRA-487
- Update CT to clarify Timing description attribute definition JIRA-492
- Update IG to clarify BC enabled and required attribute use JIRA-493
- Update IG to clarify use of the Timeline Exit class JIRA-507
- Update IG with small wording changes and typographical errors JIRA-511, JIRA-512, JIRA-513
The following changes were made as a result of internal team testing undertaken during the public review comment resolution process:
Phase 3, Public Review Release, Release 2.10.0
Release for public review following internal team review and GGG approval.
Phase 3, Release 2.9.0
This release contain the following changes:
- Renamed attribute type in studyVersion class to studyType (#257)
- Renamed attribute type in organization class to organizationType (#258) to avoid confusion. (also raised a new ticket as there are still concerns in the team regarding organizations – for public review)
- Renamed class EligibilityCriteria to EligibilityCriterion #279
- Renamed relationship from estimand to intervention class to ‘intervention’ (instead of treatment) #279
- Remove relationship from StudyDesign to Site. Make the relationship go from StudyDesign to ResearchOrganization. The new relationship name is now ‘organizations’ #262
- From API perspective: StudySites are now nested in researchOrganization
- Only for API: changed childrenIds to childIds #279
- Move relationship "timings" from ScheduledInstance to ScheduleTimeline. #263
- Allow for multiple options for environmental setting #244 – multiplicity changed to 0..*
Phase 3, Release 2.8.1
API bug fixes. Correct two issues found during testing
- Update SubjectEnrollment, quantity attribute type from string -> Quantity
- Update StudyIntervention, administrations to a list
Phase 3, Release 2.8.0
This release contain the following changes:
- Better condition handling: #231, #105, #220, #221, #223
- SDTM TS Domain support: #246, #245, #247, #175
- Interventions: #250, #249, #251
- Study Titles: #170, #217, #224
- Support: #238, #239, #240, #241
- Multi centre support: #234, #233, #235, #236
- Model refactoring with Quantity, Range: #213, #213, #226
API updates: #255
IG updates: #150, #188, #178, #181, #177, #112, #211
Phase 3, Release 2.7.1
This release contains API fixes contained within ticket #219. Note that one example file has been updated as part of this release
Phase 3, Release Version 2.7.0
Phase 3, Release Version 2.6.0
Phase 3, Release Version 2.5.0
Phase 3, Release 2.4.1
This release introduces a new UML artefact built directly from Enterprise Architect. In addition the release includes an API bug fix #167