This repository contains the schema, specification, and examples of the Dataset-JSON standard for Clinical Datasets.
The Dataset-JSON v1.1 release can be downloaded as a zip file.
The doc folder contains the specifications of:
- Dataset-JSON v1.1.
- The NDJSON representation of Dataset-JSON v1.1
The schema folder contains the LinkML and JSON schemas for the JSON and NDJSON specification of Dataset-JSON.
The examples folder contains the following examples:
The examples/adam folder contains Dataset-JSON JSON and NDJSON examples of ADaM data
The examples/sdtm folder contains Dataset-JSON JSON and NDJSON examples of SDTM data
The examples/send folder contains Dataset-JSON JSON and NDJSON examples of SEND data
The examples/big_xpt folder contains scripts to create a large XPT file (5Gb) from the XPT file examples/sdtm/lb.xpt.
The examples/extensions folder contains an example of extending the Dataset-JSON schema: examples/extensions/extension.yaml.
The examples/i18n folder contains an example of a Dataset-JSON file with non-ASCII characters: examples/i18n/ae.json.