Here we introduce the implementation details of the MapReduce KNN algorithm. The flow chart of the algorithm is shown below:
The input of the algorithm is the training data set and the test data set, as well as the parameter K. The output of the algorithm is the tag prediction value of each test sample and the accuracy of this prediction. The algorithm distributes configuration files and test dataset files to each machine through the Distributed File Cache, while the training dataset is used as the input file of MapReduce, which is split by the system and transferred to Mapper for subsequent processing. The algorithm uses a Key to mark each test sample, and a pair of floating point numbers and strings to represent the distance between a training sample and a test sample, as well as the label of the training sample. This data structure can be formally defined as a triple:
The algorithm is mainly implemented in terms of three classes, and their functions are listed as follows:
calculates the distance between one input training sample and all test samples and outputs the distance and the label of training samples.KnnCombiner
only retains up to K distance label pairs for the same test sample.KnnReducer
only retains K distance label pairs for all test samples, and the label with the highest frequency is selected
The pseudocode of the algorithm is as follows:
class Mapper:
def map(self, training_record, context):
# compute dist(train, test) between input training record and each testing record.
for tid, t in enumerate(testing_records):
dist = compute_distance(training_record, t)
label = training_record.label
context.write(tid, (dist, label))
class Combiner:
def combine(self, tid, K, dist_label_list, context):
# filter the output of map() by passing through no more than K pairs.
sort(dist_label_list, key='dist') # sort the list by distance.
if len(dist_label_list) > K:
dist_label_list = dist_label_list[:K] # Keep the first K pairs.
for dist, label in dist_label_list: # output.
context.write(tid, (dist, label))
class Reducer:
def reduce(self, tid, K, dist_label_list, context):
self.knn = {} # handle each tid with a list.
if not tid in knn:
self.knn[tid] = [] # this list keeps k-nearest-neigbours of tid.
def cleanup(self, K, context):
for tid, neigbours in self.knn.items():
if len(neigbours) > K:
self.knn[tid] = neigbours[:K] # keep at most K item.
# make prediction for all testing examples.
for tid, neigbours in self.knn.items():
result = self.predict(neigbours)
context.write(tid, result)
def predict(self, neigbours): # neigbours is a list of (dist, label).
# Make prediction based on majority vote.
from collections import Counter
# put all the labels into a Counter.
counter = Counter([pair[1] for pair in neigbours])
return counter.most_common()